I'm still freaking out about the "Amnesty Memo" introduced by the U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services. Obama should not be allowed to use any of our administrative agencies for this purpose, but yet it's happening. One question that comes to mind, is how far can he take this? I would certainly hope the number of people he can "legalize" would be in a limited capacity.

Due to my poor nutrition and lack of sleep, I'm missing the creativity to come up with an idea on how to stop this nonsense. So the question I ask today is, short of suing USCIS, (which won't work right now) or impeaching the president, (which definitely won't be possible until after the elections) what can we do about it? I want to know what I can do today, because I can't wait until November. Obama should be barred from conveniently adding new voters before the event.

I've written to my congress people and corporations, but now I seem to have come to a dead end. I'm so maxed out today that my pursuits on fighting illegal immigration have not been productive in the least.

I need ideas from fellow Alipac members to bounce off of. I appreciate any help I can get.