Economic stimulas plan
By the way, a new stimulas package that all these politicians want doesn't help workers, it just makes the big businesses more money.
Businesses don't pay house payments, groceries, or gas for my car.
This is the same old lame trickle down crap that doesn't work.
As one congressman stated to Bernanke, "if the rough times are coming then that means the good times are gone. And in the period of good times there were more people with reduced saleries, reduced healthcare and more poverty" while a few people at the top made more wealth than ever. This is trickle down economics? AAARGGGGGGGG!
As long as the rich business owners want to pay a slave wage you'll always have slaves and slaves don't own houses buy new cars or buy anything of substance and value. They rent low income housing, buy clothes at goodwill and beer so they don't have to face the fact that they are slaves. They discuss wanting to give businesses tax breaks. Look at the data, BUSINESSES are making more money than ever! How about saying: We're going to give business a tax break of $100 per employee per week and they pass that down to the employee in the form of $2.50 per hour raise! Thats how you right the economy! The EMPLOYEES are the ones that can't pay their house payments, car payments and healthcare, not the businesses or their owners! But NOOOOO, As you see everytime the bad economy is discussed, they go way around their asses to keep from saying the main source of the problem which is:
What America needs is GOOD PAYING JOBS! oh and by the way a good paying job ain't $15 an hour. Well, it could be if the government didn't take half of it!

As I heard last night on TV a stimulas package of say 100 billion would be divided to the states, the states then use the money to build more state projects such as hiways, schools libraries and ect ( bigger government). So what happens is the businesses providing the materials, labor and supplies get the contracts. They keep paying the crappy wages and they get richer and richer. So, how is this going to help the economy? By giving a thousands of $10 an hour jobs out, and who's going to get those crappy $10 an hour jobs? The illegals and the American people are. Yeah, you might hire a few project managers (which will probably come from the family business) or maybe a few more architechs but the crappy jobs far outweigh the good jobs. And the newly created manager jobs are expected to keep their mouth shut when it comes to the illegal hires, or else bon voyage'. How about we give those new projects to companies hiring Americans or paying a better than average salery? Then it might be a good stimulas package.