Although we have to keep fighting "piece meal" amnesty from Congress, our efforts have to turn to the 2008 Presidential election. Our best hope to solve this problem will only come when we have a president who is determined and serious in stopping this invasion. We must put our energy, time, money and focus on supporting a presidential candidate. Who will we back? Tancredo, Paul, Hunter, Romney, or someone else?
I think we will know allot more after next weeks Iowa straw poll.

once the candidate is chosen provided they are decided to be honest, and serious about cracking down on the problem we all have to take full charge to get them elected, the same way we defeated the Senates amnesty bill [twice].

Who are you supporting?
Who do you think will get the nomination?
Is there any hope that the Democrats will nominate some one that doesn't want open borders?

What do we do if both parties nominate open border candidates?