Ok ALIPACers here is our chance to send the RNC a message, I was thinking this video but will send multiple videos. Please post your finest.

Dear Mr.... Bulldogger

Thank you for your participation in the 2008 Republican Platform Committee Web site. We’ve received an incredible response with over 10,000 platform suggestions in just over two weeks' time. From all across the country we have heard calls for a smaller, more accountable government, a stronger, well funded defense, and a focus on the rights of each individual.

The 2008 Platform Committee will convene at the end of this month and all of your submissions and comments will be compiled and reviewed. Before the committee meets we want to hear more from you in the form of video submissions. The Committee is putting out a call to all of you who already have weighed in, as well as anyone yet to voice their ideas. Record your video on YouTube, and then submit it as an idea on the Platform Web site.

Your videos will be considered by the Platform Committee along with the other comments, and will be played for review as the Platform is written.

Record a video today and tell us your ideas for the 2008 Platform. We look forward to hearing (and seeing) you.

Thank you for taking part in this exciting endeavor,

Robert M. "Mike" Duncan
Chairman, Republican National Committee