Sylvia's note: CAN I GET A WITNESS!! That's my contribution to the boards! Back to the Phones for me.

SORRY, I forgot to post the ALipac link! I'll go do that now!

I tried to post the link to the page but it's SOOO long. But my post is on page 2 of the "How come Mexicans cant fix Mexico" thread if anyone wants to go RATE MY MESSAGE.

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#6 - 1/25/06 02:29 PM (Msg Id: 558840:4775)
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Bottom line is your children or grandchildren will probably be part hispanic. the United States will just be another latin american in your lifetime and there is no law or renegades that will be able to curb the trend. It's only natural. Then in a few generations when our govt. introduces democracy to China, their borders will open and billions (that's billions) will be headed here. You are looking at the short term evolution of our country. Most who oppose immigration are just ignorant to the contributions immigrants make and just follow like sheeps when Lou Dobbs and O'Reilly speak because they cant make a stand for themselves. You cant do anything about it, if you are smart learn the 2nd most spoken language and try to do something for your the many immigrants coming here do.
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#7 - 1/27/06 05:11 AM (Msg Id: 558840:7022) Re:#6
AnitaSilvaA View Profile
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Mr. El Ac Mak, I will have to disagree with you on that. Like most of your ilk, who shill for the criminal corporate line of thinking you do not know the people of whom you so glibly announce the demise.

The "'great contributions" MADE TO THE ECONOMY by ILLEGAL ALIENS are ONLY to the businesses willing to thumb their nose at American law, and the investors who put profits before their country. The American people are benefiting Nothing from this.

I think its very funny as well as telling, that you would speak of all the Anglos having Latino descendants in a few generations. The thought is natural for the Macho-Mex crowd, because you think with your Peckers and very little beyond. Your Socialist and Communist organizers have made good use of that flaw in your characters. They tell you that all you have to do is have lots of sex...reproduce like you normally do in Mexico but this time under the shadow of a government that has too much heart and goodness to leave little children begging in the streets as they do in Mexico ....and you'll be the rulers of the country someday. What foolish and child-like thinking.

Let me try to explain some of the flaws in your thinking.

First, you are able to delude yourselves so severely because you have never lived under "RULE OF LAW". You mentioned that "no law" can stop this Latino take-over. You believe that because YOU HAVE NEVER KNOWN A LAW THAT CAN ACTUALLY STOP SOMETHING. You are quite sure that lawlessness now reigns supreme and will continue to do so because that is what you have always experienced. You have resigned yourself to lawlessness in your country. You would never THINK to try and turn it back, because you don't have the MORAL CHARACTER or the COURAGE to do so. As a matter of fact, you report the ineffectiveness of any law with rather a gleeful note..after all... you get to have a free-for-all, right? Just like a child that was never taught anything of the realities of life, you are easily lead astray into wayward schemes that promise an easy way, a fun and painless way, to have all the riches of America.

Since you have offered your dismal prediction of our future, I will offer a counter prediction.

I think the very threats of which you speak will lead the American people to completely close their borders. That's Right, completely. The terrorists may as well have flown their planes into Lady Liberty, because the "Golden Door" is going to have to close. And we can use posts like yours as part of our evidence of the neccesity. You see, sir, what you don't know about the American people is that we love the rule of law. We are a people that has ALWAYS STOOD UP aginst threats to our liberty an the good of our nation.

We don't like to start out with a mob and hateful screaming scenes. We like to start out thoughtfully, LAWFULLY, with full debate. Again, this is something you don't have the capacity to understand because you simply DO NOT HAVE THE STRENGTH OF CHARACTER THAT WE HAVE. We are different form you, in ways you REALLY DON'T UNDERSTAND.

Sir, I hear your wishful thinking. Keep thinking we are Sheep. The British thought so, too.
Actually, our ancestors were the FIRST in the world to stand up to tyranny and oppression.
Some of us are direct decendants of those first Patriots. And those of us who are not have learned the strength of Spirit that drove them by long association. Americans may appear very soft and coddled. But if you will take the trouble to read our history, we are a people FORMED IN THE CRUCIBLE OF STRUGGLE AGAINST THE FORCES OF TYRANNY. We don't even get interested in the fight anymore until the odds are looking against us.

And here I will need to offer you my thanks. The shameless unmitigated GAUL of the demands of rights and benefits for criminals, is beginning to arouse the interest of The PEOPLE. Not wholly, certainly, because you are still held in the same contempt that a bothersome FLY would be. What you see happening in the Halls of the Legislature, is only the results of a HALF AWAKE people. The State Legislation going in that has you all taking wildly to the streets to show your true colors...THAT'S ONLY A HALF, NO, A QUARTER PART AWAKE PEOPLE.

Please, pull some more of your antics. We LOVE IT! It helps us IMMENSELY!!

STIR UP OUR BLOOD!! STIR UP the blood that drove our forefathers to fight the greatest power of the day with their squirrel muskets and their pitchforks!! You make us entirely happy in a way our material comforts have never been able to do!

And finally,sir, Castillano is a noble tongue. I enjoy it myself. I can only hope that 50 years from now, when my countrymen have thoroughly washed out the bad taste left by the Hispanic Traitors they have nurtured and educated, and when immigration has become a tightly controlled RARITY, that Americans can again be persuaded to embrace the noble tongue as a recreational language.

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#8 - 1/25/06 02:31 PM (Msg Id: 558840:4826)
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