When considering which party with which to affiliate, it was my understanding that the GOP was comprised of conservatives who believed in:

* Strong national defense
* Fiscal responsibility--Controlled spending, Balanced budgets
* Law and order
* Minimal federal government---States' rights and autonomy
* Low taxation
* Individual responsibility
* America First!

I understood that to mean the GOP was committed to the security of the American people, and to shielding the American entrepreneurial spirit from oppressive over-governance. THAT was the party of hope.

America rewarded THAT party with control over the White House and Congress, expecting Republicans to govern in accordance with conservative values. What in the hell happened and how? The mandate gifted to the GOP has been squandered and violated.

Consider please:

Our Republican president has refused to enforce our borders and immigration laws, even though the nation is at war. A real conservative would have stationed troops at the US-Mexico border and ordered the deportation of all illegal immigrants currently here.

Our Republican president has presided over unprecedented deficit spending and accumulation of massive federal debt. A real conservative would have refused to endorse any out-of-balance budgets, and would have insisted on reduced spending.

Our Republican president has worked with the likes of Ted Kennedy on the "No Child Left Behind" legislation. A real conservative president would have eliminated the Department of Education and insisted that state and local governments assume their rightful responsibility to educate our children.

Our Republican president has endorsed the establishment of a new entitlement---prescription drugs---that will cost American taxpayers ten trillion dollars over the years. A real conservative president would have rejected such nonsense out-of-hand, and would have scolded any Republican congressperson who supported this surrender to socialism.

Our Republican president has worked for the interests of the UAE, Mexico, etc. A real conservative would have advised Vicente Fox that the US is a sovereign nation and that our borders must not be violated.....or else. Such a president would have exhibited a passion for America First!

Granted, our Republican president has been true to conservative values on taxation, judicial nominations(excepting the Harriet Miers moment) and the war on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq.


America desperately needs public servants who will honor bed-rock conservative values in ALL matters, large and small, domestic and foreign.

Another Republican Revolution is needed to force the GOP back to its conservative roots.

Unless the GOP changes, and soon, there will be no longer be a GOP!

San Jose CA