This came to me via email, so I thought I would share it here. NAFTA has done enough damage; we need to stop CAFTA and the Open Borders policies from passing.

NC, SC, AL, TN textile and apparel job losses since NAFTA

These numbers were cut and pasted right off the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics website.

In North Carolina, combined employment in the Textile Mill, Textile Product Mill and Apparel manufacturing sectors has fallen from 262,100 in January 1994 to 99,000 as of April 2005 -- a loss of 163,100 jobs.

In South Carolina, employment in these same sectors has fallen from 121,000 in January 1994 to 46,600 as of April 2005 -- a loss of 74,400 jobs.

In Alabama, employment in these same sectors has fallen from 88,100 in January 1994 to 38,100 as of April 2005 -- a loss of 50,000 jobs.

In Tennessee, employment in these same sectors fell from 70,700 in January 1994 to 19,100 as of April 2005 -- a loss of 51,600 jobs.

In California, employment in these same sectors fell from 141,500 in January 1994 to 115,000 as of April 2005 -- a loss of 26,500 jobs.

In Maine, employment in these same sectors fell from 7,800 in January 1994 to 3,200 as of April 2005 -- a loss of 4,600 jobs.

In Florida, employment in these same sectors fell from 33,800 in January 1994 to 14,000 as of April 2005 -- a loss of 19,800 jobs.

Jim Schollaert
Director of Strategic Outreach
American Manufacturing Trade Action Coalition
work phone: 202-452-0866, Extension 334
home phone: 703-524-7197
work fax: 202-452-0739