Tea Party Patriots October Surprise
It is reported that outside Independence Hall when the Constitutional Convention of 1787 ended, Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, "A republic, if you can keep it."

In the next few weeks, Tea Party Patriots will challenge you to keep our republic. It is going to take effort, energy, time, and commitment. Are you willing to step up to the challenge? If so, continue reading this newsletter to find out about our October Surprise. It is a multi-prong approach that involves protests, faxes, and visits to Congressional Offices both in DC and at local offices. The focus will be asking our Senators and Congressmen to vote NO on government takeover of health care and NO on Cap and Trade. We will especially focus on Senators and Congressmen who are on the fence about these bills. Read below to find out how you can get involved and help with this effort with step by step action ideas for each day.

In addition to the calls to action, we are pleased to announce Tea Party Patriots is supporting the movie premiere of Not Evil Just Wrong this Sunday night at 8:00 pm eastern. Since Tea Party Patriots has taken a stand against the Cap and Trade bill, this movie will go along educating Americans about the tax implications of Cap and Trade.

Finally, Tea Party Patriots has expanded our Board of Directors 11 people. The new members of the board are like you. They are grassroots members of the Tea Party Movement, care passionately about our country, and support our core values of fiscal responsibility, Constitutionally limited government, and free markets.

This email is very long and we realize that. The issues are important and some people prefer to read the email rather than clicking to finish reading on a website. Please bear with the length of the email and know that we are doing our very best to help you be well-equipped Patriots.

Looking forward to working with you in the coming weeks on our October Surprise,

Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator Team
Jenny Beth Martin (jennybethm@gmail.com, note new phone number: 770-878-1550)
Dawn Wildman (dmwtpp11@yahoo.com)
Mark Meckler, Rob Neppell,
(Please note any typos or errors in this email are the sole responsibility of Jenny Beth Martin.)
Weekly Patriot Passion into Action To Do List
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

* Review the details of this very lengthy email to see what Tea Party Patriots has planned over the next week.
* Forward this email to your personal email list.
* If you are a Local Coordinator, please begin planning protests for next week. Read the October Surprise section. List your protests at http://teapartypatriots.org by signing in, click Your Dashboard, click Add Event.
* Write a letter telling why you oppose government takeover of health care to the Targeted Senators listed further down in this email and fax it to 678-302-5377. These faxes will be hand delivered to the Senators' DC Offices next Monday, October 19.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

* Order a copy of Not Evil Just Wrong, invite friends and family to your house on Sunday evening and help make this documentary break world records by making this the largest ever simultaneous film premiere.
* If you did not finish writing and faxing your letters to the Senators, finish working on that and fax them to 678-302-5377 so we can hand deliver them.

Friday, October 16, 2009

* Decide whether you can drive to DC on Monday, October 19 to meet Diana Reimer to hand deliver faxes from Tuesday.
* If you can, please email and/or call Diana Reimer: philatppatriots@gmail.com, 267-446-7124.
* If you cannot drive to DC, plan to attend or even plan a protest for Monday, October 19. To find protests near you, go to http://teapartypatrtiots.org, scroll down, and click on your state name.
* If there is not a protest near you and you can plan one, login to http://teapartypatriots.org, click Your Dashboard, click Add Event. Please plan the protests in front of local district offices of the Senators in your state. We'd really love to see some offices (especially in Arkansas and Louisiana) have protests for the entire week at least during the business hours. If you are able to plan a protest for more than 1 day next week, go ahead and enter the information for it. The protests are to be outside of the local district offices for US Senators. We are focusing on Senators the week of October 19 because the Government Takeover of Health Care Bill is expected to go to the Senate Floor next week.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

* Prepare for Not Evil Just Wrong Premiere on Sunday.
* Create your signs for Monday's protest. Click for sign ideas.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

* Attend or host a Not Evil Just Wrong Premiere at 8:00 pm eastern time.

Monday, October 19, 2009

* Attend the protest in front of your Senator's Local District Office.
* If the distance is too far or the weather prohibits you from attending, call the 13 Senators listed further below in this email. Also call the 2 Senators from your state to tell them why you oppose Government Takeover of Health Care. Click for a listing of Senators by State.

October Surprise
Last Thursday, in an emergency conference call, nearly 100 national and local Tea Party Patriot organizers around the country unanimously supported a recent proposal to hold new week long rallies in over 650 cities around the country. The rallies will target local and national offices of representatives and senators. Despise concerns expressed about overexposure and weather, all organizers agreed that we must do this to send a unified message; "We are still the silent majority and we will hold elected officials accountable for their votes". The October Surprise as it is being called will focus on health care legislation, cap and trade and the November elections. The October Surprise is intended to get the media saying, my god they're back, bigger than ever and where are they coming from?

Several approaches were proposed to the rallies which are going to target local offices for national elected officials. Some will hold drive by rallies and others will hold sign waving rallies. And in a ploy for media attention one proposal suggested Patriots camp out on the steps of our elected officials offices until the vote and encourage them to mark against nationalized health care. The idea is to work in shifts either via tent and 24/7 for the duration, or just show up during office hours for the whole day the entire week of Oct 19-23. This extended presence will demonstrate that we have the passion and give the local media easy access to American's who hold our viewpoint. It is intended to make the Tea Party message the primary viewpoint for local audiences as the vote nears.

Tea Party Patriots is a bottom up organization, thus events and dates are always controlled by the local organizers. Tea Party Patriots simply provides a unifying voice and theme. To maximize impact National organizers are asking that events be held beginning around October 17th, 2009 and last through October 25th, 2009 or until the final vote on nationalized health care is held.

Right now to the outside world it seems that the Tea Party movement has burnt out, but we are not. We are just average American's who go about our business living our normal lives, we are the silent majority. We follow national events on television and on the radio so keenly it would appear as if our very existence depends on it, and in very real ways we know that it does. But history has proven that we always step up when we are called. And as tired and frustrated as we are, like a weary soldier in battle we will pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and continue to fight and continue to BE HEARD. No one said this was going to be easy and we are prepared to continue the fight.

Along with the October Surprise rallies, many others ideas were proposed. One that was enthusiastically supported included citizen investigations into elected officials' campaign contributions using publicly available websites, public documents and any insider knowledge that can be found. The thought is that with over 30,000 willing volunteers and a subdued media, we can drum up better pictures of our elected officials and their motivations than we are currently getting from the press. The early list of elected officials includes both republicans and democrats who will have key votes on health care. A committee was formed to begin training Tea Party Patriot volunteers on how to use the internet to dig for information and how to share it. Bloggers across the country are standing by to analyze revelations of importance.
Not Evil Just Wrong
Fall is upon us and in some parts of the country they have received their first snow fall of the year, which begs to ask the question, "What happened with Global Warming?" Most already know about former Vice President Al Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth" and how it explored the issue of global warming. Most also know that Mr. Gore and his notables in the movie tried to use flawed science to get the point across.

Tea Party Patriots is proud to announce their welcomed promotion of the film "Not Evil Just Wrong". Ann McElhinney and Phelem McAleer, two Irish environmental journalists have a made a film that not only explores the "junk science' behind this debate but shows the real human toll extreme environmentalism has on society. If you do nothing else on the issue of Cap and Trade or Global Warming please see this film. It portrays real problems facing the world today and magnificently probes how some of these issues were actually created by extreme environmentalists own actions.

Go to the website, http://www.noteviljustwrong.com/, and sign up to have a local premier of the movie on October 18, 2009 at 8:00 pm EST. The producers are hoping to set the world record for most premiers of a single movie in one evening. It will be fun, educational and a real way to highlight the topic for all.
For more information please go to their website.
Tea Party Patriots Newly Expanded Board
From it's inception, the tea party movement has been truly a grassroots movement. Immediately after April 15th, The Tea Party Patriots were formed to continue to offer support and coordination of that movement. From day one, the TPP has been a movement of the people, for the people and by the people. As we move forward and begin to plan the organization's activities in the very important coming year, it is time to reach out and seek the proven leadership where it exists, in the grassroots all around the nation.

On October 5th we took a huge step forward by expanding the Board of Directors from three, to eleven dedicated tea partiers. The people involved come from all walks of life, and have a broad range of experience in the movement. They are people who have proved themselves on the ground, in the field, both in front of and behind the scenes. They are committed and dedicated to the tea party movement, and to the Tea Party Patriots as the "web" or the "glue" that binds the movement together and provides a unified national presence.

We are proud to announce that effective October 7, 2009, the Board of Directors of the Tea Party Patriots is now comprised of the following eleven individuals:

1. Debbie Dooley - GA - debbie0040@yahoo.com
2. Mike Gaske - MD - mike.gaske@gmail.com
3. Kellen Giuda - NY - kellen@teaparty365.org
4. Ryan Hecker - TX - ryan.hecker@gmail.com
5. Jenny Beth Martin - GA jennybethm@gmail.com
6. Mark Meckler - CA - mark.grassroots@gmail.com
7. Rob Neppell - CA - rob@kithbridge.com
8. Sallie Oljar - WA - jsd@seanet.com
9. Diana Reimer - PA - philatppatriots@gmail.com
10. Billie Tucker - FL - billie@ceoservicebureau.com
11. Dawn Wildman - CA - dmwlaw1@cox.net

We have listed their emails here, so that you may reach out and contact them at any time. This board is your board, and they answer to you, the Tea Party Patriots on the ground all across the country. Please feel free to engage them with your ideas, concerns, hopes, and with offers to assist them as they work to expand into their new roles.

The new Board is beginning work on many projects, but top on the list is the creation of an Advisory Council to further expand the input of the grassroots leadership from around the nation into the operations and strategy of the Tea Party Patriots. If you are interested in participating, please contact any of the above individuals. We're looking for folks who have already provided leadership in the field and can bring that success and experience to the table in guiding the organization on a go forward basis.

Thanks to everyone who has worked so hard to make this movement a success, and a special thanks the the eight new TPP board members.


Tea Party Patriots, Inc.
Board of Directors

Targeted Senators
We are including the DC office phone numbers and fax numbers below in case you would also like to call and fax directly to the Senators. Please remember to fax your letters by, Thursday, October 15, 2009 to 678-302-5377 so that we can also hand deliver them.

Sen. Michael F Bennet, Colorado
DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-5852, DC Fax Number: 202-228-5036

Sen. Ben Nelson, Nebraska
DC Office Number: 202-224-6551, DC Fax Number: 202-228-0012

Sen. Mary Landrieu, Louisiana
DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-5824, DC Fax Number: 202-224-9735

Sen. Mark Pryor, Arkansas
DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-2353, DC Fax Number: 202-228-0908

Sen. Blanche Lincoln, Arkansas
DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-4843, DC Fax Number: 202-228-1371

Sen. Robert Byrd, West Virginia
DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-3954, DC Fax Number: 202-228-0002

Sen. Jim Webb, Virginia
DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-4024, DC Fax Number: 202-228-6363

Sen. Mark Warner, Virginia
DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-2023, DC Fax Number: 202-224-6295

Sen. Jon Tester, Montana
DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-2644, DC Fax Number: 202-224-8594

Sen. Joe Lieberman, Connecticut
DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-4041, DC Fax Number: 202-224-9750

Sen. Mark Begich, Alaska
DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-3004, DC Fax Number: 202-224-2354

Sen. Evan Bayh, Indiana
DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-5623, DC Fax Number: 202-228-1377

PriceWaterhouseCooper released an independent study of the Senate Finance Committee version of the government takeover of health care bill. The study showed that American family's budgets will be severely impacted by the bill and that health insurance premiums will increase dramatically. You may wish to read the study and use this as supporting documentation when you contact the Senators. Additionally, you may find some these resources helpful as well:
Tea Party Patriots Health Care Talking Points
Why Is Tea Party Patriots Focusing on Health Care
Questions to Ask Your Representative About Health Care
Contact Information
Jenny Beth Martin new phone number: 770-878-1550, jennybethm@gmail.com
Dawn Wildman: dmwtpp11@yahoo.com
