New video explains Tea Party position on illegal immigration
November 13th, 2010 Bill Whittle, of Declaration Entertainment, released a new video explaining the Tea Party position on illegal immigration.

If one listens to the so-called mainstream press, one gets the impression that those involved in the Tea Party are knuckle-dragging, racist, violent neanderthals determined to exterminate all non-whites from the planet. The notion is ludicrous on its face, but that is how the Tea Party is often portrayed by liberals in the press.
These days, it seems liberals scream "racism" over practically everything - even when no racism is present.
A search of the term "racism" at Newsbusters returns 140 pages of examples where the race card has been used by liberals and their accomplices in the mainstream press.

Americans weren't racist when they elected Barack Obama President, but suddenly became racist when they began to disagree with his policies.

So naturally, if one supports enforcing immigration laws, one is racist.

See how it works?

In this video, Whittle destroys the media-created myth that Tea Partiers are anti-immigration. He carefully explains that those in the Tea Party support lawful immigration - that is, immigration done the way it is meant to be. He also exposes the agenda of La Raza - the open borders group whose very name means "The Race".

He uses the example of Lubbock, Texas, to illustrate the absurdity of the mindset that drives groups like La Raza. As he explains, if one follows their logic to its ultimate conclusion, Lubbock would be given back to a group of people that existed some 10,000 years ago.

Whittle explains the concept of 'E Pluribus Unum' - Out of Many, One.

No other nation has the diversity of culture the United States has, but we are a nation of laws. There is a proper way for people to come into the United States, and those who enter illegally are lawbreakers - plain and simple. There is no racism involved.

Congress is set to debate the so-called DREAM act - a small step toward eventual amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants. Harry Reid has promised he would ramrod the bill through during the upcoming lame-duck session - an obvious payback to the open-borders groups that supported his campaign. Patty Murray no doubt has a small debt of her own to pay after illegal immigrants canvassed neighborhoods in Washington to help her bid for re-election.

The debate over this bill is bound to get nasty, and supporters will no doubt use the race card repeatedly.

This video does a good job of explaining the issue of illegal immigration, and is a must-see for anyone who does not understand the Tea Party/conservative position on illegal immigration.

On Monday, November 15 at 7 pm Pacific time, Joe will discuss some of the recent events with Sharon Russell at Be sure to listen and feel free to call in with your questions and comments. The call-in number is (917) 932-1661 ... mmigration