Teachers salaries and public pensions need to be cut in order to subsidize benefits to illegal guestworkers. Since the general public pays far more for schooling, health care, and welfare for illegal guest workers than they contribute, the general public should not be asked to bear the full burden for these services.

New schools need to be built and transportation needs to be provided for the children of these illegal guest workers. Along with all the other costs involved with providing an education; this is an enormous amount of money.

The tax paying public is already taxed to the max. Now that the housing market is cooling off and home values are falling, the tax base will begin to shrink. Who's going to pay for all the needed services for the illegal guestworkers?

Since the teachers and public officials want the illegal guestworkers here so much, I'm sure they will want to help out in any way they can, so that the children of illegal guestworkers can have a chance at a good education.

We can start by freezing the salaries of teachers and public officials. After all, the majority of Americans pay has gone down in the last 5 years, why should teachers or public officials have a pay raise. I'm sure they will understand and will want to help out, so that the illegal guestworkers can stay.

Public pensions will need to be eliminated in order to fund the enormous costs of healthcare and welfare for our illegal guestworkers. Airline workers, auto workers and many other workers have had their benefits cut so; our public workers won't be the only ones. Very few public officials have come out against the illegal guestworker program and most actually favor amnesty. So this will not be a problem for them, since they want to help out too.

Did you know that only 25% of American workers are eligible to receive a pension when they retire, and that the 75% who are not, actually guarantee that the 25% who are, will collect? Just a thought.

We don't want to forget the business community who benefit the most from illegal guestworkers.

I propose we Introduce a bill in congress establishing a, Mandatory Illegal Guestworker Business Contribution.

This would not be a new tax or a tax increase since it is not an income tax, and it would only be levied on established business. Since business benefit so greatly from the availability of cheep labor, there would be no opposition to a bill like this in congress. The business community would be more than willing to contribute their fair share to pay for the burden illegal guestworkers place on our society. Just be sure to call it a, Mandatory Illegal Guestworker Business Contribution because, it's not a tax.

Call or write your elected officials to get started on these proposals. They will want to get started right away. We want to be ready Financially to welcome the illegal guestworkers with open arms.