Ted Cruz Slams Richard Nixon by Comparing Him To Obama

Caleb Howe
On February 12, 2014

President Obama last week claimed there was not a “smidgen” of corruption at the IRS. Today, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) attacks that claim, calling for holding the IRS accountable for the targeting of conservative groups.
The video contrasts Obama’s words with testimony from last week’s House hearing, where attorney Cleta Mitchell testified that IRS efforts to impede grass roots conservative groups not only happened, but continues to happen.
There are over forty plaintiffs in the ACLJ federal lawsuit over alleged abuse by the IRS. From the ACLJ website:
We have filed a second amended lawsuit in federal court in Washington, D.C. – adding additional defendants – including top IRS political appointees – an additional claim – and evidence that reveals a politically-motivated attack on conservative organizations by the IRS – a secret and illegal targeting campaign – aimed at the organizations because of their political beliefs.
Recently uncovered evidence, including emails, support the ACLJ contention that this was neither an isolated circumstance, nor the work of “low level” employees. Lois Lerner has plead the fifth in connection with the allegations.
