Tell Congress: Stop Police State Tyranny In America
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Tell Congress: Stop Police State Tyranny In America

On July 2, 2008 in Colorado Springs Colorado, candidate Barack Obama said:

"we can no longer continue to rely on the military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've gotta have a civilian national security force that is just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded as our military."

And now quietly, without comments from the mainstream media, without opposition from anyone in Congress, America is becoming Obama's police state.

Concerned Americans, we must pay attention! The writing is on the wall. We must wake up:

CONSERVATIVES SILENCED. A Department of Homeland Security report entitled, "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment" warns of "radical" groups like Christian cults, pro-life groups and returning military veterans. It names "hate groups" as those who are against gun control, immigration, gay marriage, or big government. In other words, a "hate group" is a group that dislikes the policies of Barack Obama. At what point will political dissenters be labeled "terrorists?"

AMERICAN CONCENTRATION CAMPS. HR 645, the National Emergency Centers Establishment Act, initiates the framework for mass-quarantine of American citizens. HR 645 calls for the creation of at least six national facilities for the concentration of civilian internees. Who are they planning to detain?

The George Soros-funded Rand Corporation issued a report calling for a Stability Police Force (SPF), saying "Stability operations have become an inescapable reality of U.S. foreign policy. Establishing security with soldiers and police is critical because it is difficult to achieve other objectives - such as rebuilding political and economic systems - without it."

Obama signed an executive order establishing a Council of Governors, which is to be a panel of 10 state governors selected by the President who will review "review matters involving the National Guard; homeland defense; civil support; and synchronization and integration of state and federal military activities in the United States," according to the White House. Has Obama now federalized the states and gained control of the National Guard?

GOVERNMENT AMASSING WEAPONS. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has just completed a contract for the receipt of 450 million rounds of hollow-point ammunition over a period of five years. Why does the DHS need 450 million bullets for a country of 300 million people?

. Obama signed executive order 12425, giving the international police force INTERPOL immunity from American law. INTERPOL now has free reign in the United States, unencumbered by the Fourth Amendment, the Freedom of Information Act, American law enforcement agencies, and the U.S. Constitution. Obama has now given our sovereignty away to an international police force.

The government's encroachment of our rights will continue as long as we fail to act! Where will this dangerous pathway end?

Conservative Action Alerts is calling on you to help preserve freedom, democracy and citizen sovereignty. Send your personalized messages to your Representative and Senators right now and ask them to de-fund existing programs that threaten the freedom of American citizens or bypasses our Constitution; further, tell them to oppose any future legislation that accomplishes the same.
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Tell Congress: Stop Police State Tyranny In America | Conservative Action Alerts