We are going through the last days of school here. Interestingly enough one of our illegal alien students decided to steal a Mexican flag that was on display in a Spanish class. He took the flag to PE and ran around the gym waving the flag. Finally the PE coach got enough of it and took the flag out of the kids hands, wadded it up and stuck it in his pocket. Of course the kids was pretty mad until an assistant principal was called. Of course he got kicked out of school for stealing the flag.

Another incident today involving another illegal alien kid. He got mad because he failed a woman teacher's class and ask her to give him 2 points so he could pass. She said no, that he had to earn that. The kid got mad and ask the teacher how she would like it if he kidnapped her daughter. Before she could report the incident, she saw him cutting a cake a girl in the class had brought to celebrate the last day of school with a switchblade knife. About that time the police walked in and arrested him for making a threat to a teacher (felony) and possession of a switchblade in a school (another felony).

Last incident, another illegal alien kid that has been living with friends since his mother, father and older bother got deported by ICE decided that while in the cafeteria he would start a food fight. I had already heard this was going to happen and notified the assistant principals who were waiting in the cafeteria with video cameras. Well as soon as he threw first piece of food he was caught on camera and lead off in handcuffs.

Thank goodness this school district doesn't put up with the crap from these disruptive idiots, however it certainly doesn't make education an pleasant job.

Finally, while teachers were already held over 30 minutes at the end of the day checking out for the summer, we got an announcement that we were officially in lock down. Someone in the neighborhood was firing a gun and the police were everywhere. An hour later we finally got to leave.

This is everyday live in an inner city Title I school that is infested with illegal aliens. Is there little wonder what is wrong with our schools?