The Real Story: An Immigration Smokescreen
Updated March 15, 2007

If it seems like you've been hearing about more immigration raids lately; you're right. There were three times more immigration arrests in 2006 than there were in 2005....and five times more than 2004. This year -- in just three months -- the immigrations and customs enforcement agency has arrested twice as many people on criminal immigration charges than they did in all of 2005.

Seems like good news, right? Yea, not so much. I'll explain in a second, but first I want you to read this transcript from a part of President Bush's press conference in Mexico yesterday...

"A lot of Americans were deeply concerned that the United States was not enforcing our laws. They felt like there wasn't a commitment to the rule of law. Over the past year, I believe we have shown the American people that there is a strong commitment to the rule of law and I think members of Congress are now feeling more comfortable that the country is committed to rule of law, which then makes some more open mined to my argument, which is that if we can have migration reform, it will make it less likely somebody will feel like they have to sneak across our border, and therefore, take pressure off the border. In other words, security for the country, border security, will be enhanced by a good migration law."

Is there anyone except the President that really feels that way? I don't know a soul; I think Americans feels like they're being played for fools. I hate to say it, but the Real Story is that all of these raids you're seeing now are just for show. I hate to tell you, Mr. President but a few months of tough enforcement doesn't convince anyone that you're serious.

You may not be hearing about it in the media, but there are closed door meetings happening right now in Washington on a major immigration reform bill. And guess what? Any chance of that bill passing hinges on the ability of our politicians -- and most importantly -- our President -- to convince people that they are finally enforcing the law.

But mark my words -- it is just a smokescreen. As soon as the ink from the President's signature is dry, the crack downs will end; millions of illegals will be on the path to citizenship; and there won't be a damn thing any of us can do about it. If you don't believe me, go type "1986 Amnesty" into Google and read about what happened after President Reagan granted amnesty to 2.7 illegal immigrants. Let's just say that it didn't exactly stop new aliens from trying to get in here. Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

There's something else the President said in that clip you just saw; something that nobody is talking about...did you pick up on it? While in Mexico, he started referring to illegal immigration, as quote: "Migration." Mr. President, you may think that no one's watching what you say; how you're pandering to Mexico -- but we are watching and we see exactly what's going on. This was no slip of the tongue, this was a calculated and premeditated change; and, unfortunately for you: I've got the video to prove it.