Called Tester,Stabinow,Snowe,and McCaskill on my lunch break... Staffer for Tester said that the Senator Is leaning NO... No answer,and not able to leave a message for Stabinow. Got a mailbox that I could not access for Snowe. I talked with the staffer for Mc Caskill for almost 10 minutes. He was genuinely Interested In what I had to say. I told him that U.S Citizens should NEVER have to compete for a quality education with the children Of Illegal Aliens. If my son or daughter Is a straight A student,and an Illegals child Is a straight A student,why should the Illegals child have an Inherent advantage over mine Why should my child have to compete for a space In the classroom with a child from an Illegal Immigrant family,and get special tuition breaks that our family does not get I also told him that I was with a teaparty group that will try to oust any member of Congress that Is up for re-election In 2012 that votes for the Dream Act.... He told me that as of this time that McCaskill was still undecided,and that he appreciates my thoughts on the matter,and that he would record my Information and pass It on to the Senator...