California Immigrant Population Reached Record High in 2005; Report Finds One Fourth of Immigrants in State are Illegal Aliens

12/12/2005 12:21:00 PM


To: Metro and State Desks

Contact: Steven Camarota of The Center for Immigration Studies, 202-466 8185 or

WASHINGTON, Dec. 12 /U.S. Newswire/ -- A new study of data not yet analyzed by the Census Bureau shows that California's immigrant population reached record highs in March of 2005. The report also provides a detailed picture of the socio-economic status of immigrants nationally and in California, including separate estimates for illegal aliens. The study, entitled Immigrants at Mid-decade: A Snapshot of America's Foreign-Born Population in 2005, is available at the Center for Immigration Studies' Web site: Among the report's findings:

-- California's immigrant population reached 10 million in March of 2005.

-- The gap between the education level of immigrants and natives in California is one of the largest in the country â€â€