Building the New Majority—Speech To The American Cause
By Peter Brimelow

I mean, it’s quite obvious what the solution to our problem is—we have to elect Pat president in the year 2000!

Or, for that matter, in ‘96 or ‘92.

Instead, we got Dubya—George W Bush—who turned out to be the worst president in American history, even worse than Franklin D. Roosevelt. At least Roosevelt was a good party leader—he led the Democrats to a whole series of victories.

But as Pat just said, and as Phyllis Shlafly said earlier, we’ve been here before.

I’m old enough—though I still think I can read my notes here—I’m old enough to remember being here in the 1970s after the disaster of Watergate, after the fall of Vietnam. I was up in Canada then, and I went down as a Canadian journalist to interview Bill Rusher, then the publisher of National Review. (So you know he was a squish at heart!)

At that time, Rusher was trying to start a new party, a Third Party, because he thought it was impossible for conservatives to get control of the Republican Party after Ford had defeated Reagan in 1976. We exchanged cabalistic signs and established that we were on the same side of the debate. And he said to me, in confidence, “You know the problem we’ve got here is insoluble, we’ve left it too late, and the Red Flag will one day wave over the world—the Soviet Union will one day conquer the world.â€