I just want to take one minute to say to the ALIPAC founders and William our president, how much I appreciate this site and the people here who I feel now are part of my family.
I have had a hard time the last couple of years finding a way to vent my feelings, and frustration with our government on ths important issue of Illegal Immigration. I want to commend all the ALPIAC leaders, and moderators, for keeping this site on the straight and narrow and keeping all of our focus on this problem, I know how extremely hard that job must be when you have such a big organization as this is. It is so nice to know you can come here and say what you feel and think without being bashed and even cursed for your political affiliation. Here thank god, we can all bash them together without being attacked personally. I want to say, I am not a racist and do not hate the hispanic people,I just hate having my country and its laws so disrespected by the illegals and our own government leaders. Again, thank you William and the ALIPAC founders, I am sending my contribution pronto and hope that any of the rest of you who have not yet for whatever reason made your contribution to dig down deep and find that extra little bit you might have to donate and sent it to ALIPAC A.S.A.P.at this time in our history, I can think of no better place to donate or reason for that donation, then to help fight this invasion and "rape" of our country and our legacy to our children and grandchildren.