The following was written by a friend of mine who lives down in southern California. She does not belong to ALIPAC but is active in her area, and I share with her what we are doing in ALIPAC. I thought you might like to hear what she has to say.


If I could be certain not to draw attention to myself I'd take pictures of our early morning routes checking on the illegal aliens
If ALPAC has any doubts about it's effectiveness they should dismiss the notion.
The presence of illegal aliens is down by, at the very least, 90% in the farm belt here in Southern California.
I don't know what is going on in Arizona and Texas but they still have masses of illegal's getting through.
The death toll of illegal's left to die in the desert makes the border patrol weep.
The coyotes get rich off this skin trade. I cannot hide my disgust for them.
The cases of rape and murder are climbing here. They must be going down and emptying out the asylums and jails. GRRrrrrrrr!
When I asked her about sharing this, her reply was as follows.
You sure can. I know you all work hard and not every member lives in the right area and can see and listen for themselves.
Lately I've felt the franticness in the posts and I do believe in the plight, for Pete's sake you all need a pat on the back for your work.

Thumbs Up
I know sometimes it's awfully easy to get discouraged in this fight we seem to have to battle continually with our own government. I found my friend's words comforting to know that not only are we doing good but that we are appreciated for what we do.