are American in name only? I'm talking about those who refuse to refrain from speaking a foreign language in front of those who don't know it, demand public services in another language (and usually feel it is the job of all Americans to speak their language), talk about remaking this nation into their own image to where their culture and language dominates and eventually is the sole one in the country, only fly the flag of the nation where they emmigrated from, are anti-U.S. Constitution and refuse to call themselves Americans first. To me, only Native Americans/Native Hawaaiians/Native Alaskans who are indigenous of the 50 states have earned the right to be significantly different from the rest of us.

My question is, is is there any way to cause these people (at least most) to act like the immigrants of yesteryear-to speak only English in public, call themselves an American of whatever descent instead of defining themselves only as where they came from, adopt our most basic cultural norms that every generation of Americans has always had in common, and see themselves with Americans of every skin color as "we're all in this thing together" instead of outsiders wanting to be separate though they want the financial benefits of living here regardless. Is there any way to bring back the days when public multilingualism was used only for true international business and one does not see foreign language or bilingual signage every time one turns around even in areas where these types of immigrants are still very low? Can we reverse the damage that's already been done to our culture? Legally and without a war, I mean....