Here is the first example I have found talking about how the next president will not take an anti-illegal immigrant stance. Of course Cynthia Tucker, being the collectivist lap dog she is, titles the article Next President will tone down anti-immigrant rhetoric. Now we all know too well that she knows better, but she has taken the opportunity to do an anti-Tancredo hit piece.

In her brilliance she says this:
...That's because voters didn't fall for the scapegoating premise of Tancredoism. It was a bad product, and few voters bought it...
Another fact of genius this brilliant pen wizardess spilled out:
...At the very bottom of the wage scale, illegal immigrants probably take a few jobs away from uneducated and marginalized American laborers. But the effect is minimal, according to researchers. The most comprehensive analysis has found that illegal immigration depresses wages no more than 50 cents to 60 cents an hour -- hardly a figure that makes or breaks a budget...
So this is a taste of the lies and marketing the collectivist left will spew over the next four years as they seal globalist deals, give amnesty to 20 million and change our culture forever.

Of course Cynthia had to be the first one to get that out there, since of course she isnt a journalist who gained position thru competition, but via statistical satisfaction, she knows she has to "swing low" so to speak to get her point across to her not so savy readership. The other less extremist (if that is possible on the American socialist left) columnists, with an educated reader base will be doing the same-tho' not with such a low brow approach.

Here is a link to the article: ... onrhetoric

Cynthia Tucker is known for her racism and has been angered in the past when she was called on not coming to the aid of blacks in Los Angelas who are being victimized by illegal immigration. She was mentioned in this VDARE article:

I thought this might be of some intrest as it indicates the likely spam that will fly our way as the socialists take power.