Gotta pay for those illegal students somehow!!

Calif. Protesters Beat Cop With His Baton While Rallying Against Tuition Hikes
Posted on November 18, 2010 at 2:47pm by Jonathon M. Seidl

After violence erupted Wednesday when a University of California committee began considering a tuition increase, on Thursday that committee approved the plan to raise student fees by 8 percent next fall while expanding financial aid to more students.

Protesters begin crowding around an officer during protests at UC San Francisco.
Thursday morning’s vote by the finance committee of the UC Board of Regents comes a day after a student protest outside the meeting at the University of San Francisco, which left four police officers injured and lead to more than a dozen protester arrests.

According to KGO-TV in San Francisco, one officer had to pull his gun when a group of 40 protesters jumped him in a parking garage. The group wrestled the officer’s baton away from him and were beating him with it. [b]When the officer drew his gun, the Daily Nexus reports, the small mob began chanting “Take his gun!â€