Are they Legislators or “Wealthy Parasitic Opportunists?”

Posted on Saturday, January 11th, 2014 at 8:10 pm.
by: Patrick Henry

Via Freedom

There is no denying our elected representatives in Congress are sent to Washington—in part—to govern and when necessary make constitutional laws. They receive fair compensation, $174 K per year, are permitted to earn a limited outside income, receive a tax deduction for personal expenses, taxpayer covered health insurance and the benefit of participation in luxurious government employee retirement programs. They are sometimes exempt from compliance with certain undesirable laws.
In 1789 they were paid $6 per year.
A few days ago, the ineloquent Yale University graduate turned Texas Congresswoman, Sheila Jackson Lee, suggested a little language change in American political circles. What language this woman speaks is a mystery, but she may have a valid point. Is the Queen right? Is it time we removed the stigma associated with living off the taxpayer?
Not really, but while we are discussing ebonically-sensitive, lexiconic tweaking ( I know, I know), I would like to suggest another idiolect change—that would transition toward the 21st century—another antiquated and less than accurate term currently used in political circles. The term I’m referring to is “legislator.”
It was recently reported over half of our elected federal legislator’s median net worth now exceeds $1 million. For the first time in American history, our federal legislature is run by a millionaire majority.
So what DeMayo? What’s your problem now? Have you become one of those Occupy idiots screaming for income redistribution?
No, but given our over worked public servants undeniable good fortune, I just think we need a more appropriate and modernized title for our elected officials. Therefore, I suggest we transition the term legislator to “Wealthy Parasitic Opportunist.”

A complete list of our “Wealthy Parasitic Opportunists” financial disclosures (courtesy of Center for Responsive Politics) can be found here.
For some reason, even in a down economy, our legislators always seem to experience annual increases in individual income greater than the average American’s gross annual income. Moreover, their investment strategies (influenced by insider information) always seem to be spot on and produce rates of return unseen in Middle American circles.
Did you know General Electric is Congress’s most popular investment bet?
In addition, while the United States is swallowed by a debased currency, crippling debt, unemployment, stagnant GDP, globalization and poverty, our millionaire run government refuses to pass a budget, rationalizes overspending, neglects to prosecute widespread fraud/corruption and manages to raise billions of dollars—much of it tax exempt— in campaign cash, all on our worthless dime.
Most of you probably do not like Wealthy Parasitic Opportunist, Sheila Jackson Lee (D) of Texas. I like her, in part, because she exemplifies the consequences of an ignorant electorate, but also because she is often a great source of collective amusement in my hometown, Houston. Some talk radio personalities, down here, have made a career out of Jackson Lee’s racial idiocy.
From 2004 to 2012, Lee, an outspoken advocate for disadvantaged Americans, managed to “transition” her “living fund” substantially. In 2004, Lee was listed as the 335th wealthiest member of the US Congress. Today, after enduring the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression, Sheila Jackson Lee moved on up to the 216th spot on the list of “Wealthy Parasitic Opportunists” in Congress.
A link to Jackson Lee’s finances can be found here.
Not exactly a stellar job when compared to her colleagues consistently found in the top ten, but not too shabby for a public servant with an affirmative action education.
The next time you put your support behind a candidate controlling your lives, and now apparently our language, I would ask you to investigate their loyalties. Not for nothing, but at least you may benefit financially from following their investment advice over your brokers.
Baaa, Baaa, Ba.