Mexico is NOT poor. It is a matter of the few elites have it all and give nothing to the people and as long as Mexico keeps importing their poor, uneducated here, it will never change. They need to change their own country and stop trying to change ours.

By The Associated Press

(AP) - The world's 20 wealthiest countries, based on World Bank Gross Domestic Product figures from 2004, the most recent available for all nations.

1. United States, $11.67 trillion

2. Japan, $4.6 trillion

3. Germany, $2.7 trillion

4. Britain, $2.1 trillion

5. France, $2.0 trillion

6. Italy, $1.67 trillion

7. China, $1.65 trillion

8. Spain, $991.44 billion

9. Canada, $979.76 billion

10. India, $691.88 billion

11. South Korea, $679.67 billion

12. Mexico, $676.5 billion

13. Australia, $631.26 billion

14. Brazil, $604.86 billion

15. Russia, $582.4 billion

16. Netherlands, $577.26 billion

17. Switzerland, $359.47 billion

18. Belgium, $349.83 billion

19. Sweden, $346.4 billion

20. Turkey, $301.95 billion