A time to choose wisely

In 2008, America must decide what direction to take. Politicians from both parties are promising everything to everyone as usual. Those who created the mess will not solve problems with Iraq, immigration, health care and the economy. We, the electorate, must recognize the difference between politicians and statesmen. Our system of government was established by statesmen, not politicians. Our founding fathers gave us the declaration of independence, the constitution and the bill of rights upon which this country was built.

Politicians of both parties have created conditions over the past 94 years which have nearly destroyed our liberties. The destruction of our money began in 1913 with the establishment of the Federal Reserve and the income tax. U.S. involvement in wars from Korea to Iraq have enriched the arms makers and their lackeys in congress and the White House. The loss of life of civilians and our military in these conflicts have not made us a freer and more prosperous nation. To the contrary, loss of our freedoms and the real threat of national bankruptcy are a possibility because of them.The only beneficiaries are the political power elite and their counterparts in the military industrial complex. Dwight Eisenhower prophetically warned us about this before he left office.

The challenge to the electorate is this: Do your own research and thinking. Do not be deceived by those who would limit your candidate choices to those who represent the status quo. A country by and for the people is fueled by an informed, thinking and involved electorate. This force can change the course of history in our country and around the world for the better.

We need less government to stop policing the world and infringing on personal liberties. We must focus on diplomacy, rather than military might, when dealing with our problems. This will enhance America's image around the globe and our ability to spread freedom. Let's elect Dr. Ron Paul for president and other statesmen like him to congress to show the world what is good about America once again.

Thomas Lanning

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