Today I couldn't believe my friggin' ears, I hear an ice cream truck driving by my house and it was playing 'La Cucaracha'. La Cucaracha?? WTF is up with that?? I swear, every single day that goes by my hometown is turning into Tijuana, or worse yet, LA. First it was every new family that moves in speaks Spanish, then every other car has Mexico license plates, then dudes wallking by pushing illegal hand pushed Mexican food carts, now even the ice cream trucks play Mexican music.

I cannot wait until I can move away from here, this is making me feel as though I live in a G-D Mexican barrio. Every exposed surface is covered with Mexican gang banger grafitti, every woman of child bearing age walking down the street is pushing double baby stroller with a dozen little Mexi-rugrats in tow, none speaking a word of English and the predominant language is Spanish, both spoken and printed on nearly every billboard. I can't remember the last time I heard a car drive by blasting American music and not some Mexican Ranchero or Mariachi crap. Every night I go to bed to the sound of Mariachi, police sirens and gunshots.

And this has all pretty much occured in only the last 5 or 6 years, coincidentally since Bush has been in office. Gee, what a surprise, who would have ever thought it. If this dang amnesty bill were to pass, I can't imagine what I'm going to see next, some bullfighting ring outside town? A zebra painted donkey on the street corner for tourists to take their pictures on?

Where the heck has my country gone? When I first moved here I remember living in a place called The Unted States of America, not Mexico. Now, if it weren't for the fact that we have paved streets, stop lights, running water and electricity, I'd think I was living in a third world hellhole. Honestly, come to my hometown in So CA, and you'd never know you were in the USA.