There will be an end to this administration
It's been a long hard road, but there is an end -January 20th, 2009. That is when the next elected American President will be sworn in and there is one thing for sure, it won't be President Bush. So join me in counting down to this glorious day. A day when, hopefully, a smarter person will take office and lead this country as it should be; by the people, for the people... NOT the oil industry.
Until Bush is out of office, whether voted out or impeached, this clock will be ticking. Not content with sitting and waiting? Search Google for "impeach president bush now" to join the tens of thousands that are already trying to oust the man.

Bush Timer
Bush Time
Thomas CherryA simple day counter for many of the important dates in George W. Bush's Presidency. Bush Time tracks the number of days left both in office and until the end of his term. Also included are the number of days since he declared the end of major combat in Iraq and since he said that Osama was "wanted dead or alive". These dates and a few more rotate in the display to let you know how long the war on terror has been progressing.