Letters to the Editor - 5/22/2007

By: Readers of the North County Times and The Californian

Bush is getting what he wants - amnesty

Bush got his liberal Congress and we get amnesty shoved down our throats.

Senor Bush is on the verge of getting what his good friend Vincente Fox ordered him to get two years ago - a total amnesty deal. And, in the process, Bush and his liberal Congress will empty the treasury of this country.

California is already broke because of the illegal alien issue, but the Terminator is too stupid to see it. Hospitals are going broke because of the illegal alien issue. Virulent diseases are showing up in our emergency rooms because of unfettered borders ... (a small fact the media won't tell you about). ...

The fact is, Washington is going to jam amnesty down your throat, despite every poll that shows that the American people want the lawbreakers deported, not given amnesty. Bush tried to appease us by saying they will have to pay a $5,000 fine. That may be so, but he's also handing them an $8,000 earned income tax credit to pay that fine. In effect they only get a $3,000 cash bonus for breaking our laws in 2007, but they'll get the full $8,000 in 2008.

The pity is, Bush got his wish when the Democrats took over Congress. He got his full amnesty deal, and the American people got shafted, again.

Charles Bondy

Let people vote on immigration reform

Immigration has been such a difficult task for prior presidents and the Senate elected officials, who have been unable to do the job that American citizens have elected them to do, and of which we entrusted them to do, and of which is in the best interests of this country and legal citizens. They are lazy and look for the easy way out and are not fit to make important decisions such as those pertaining to immigration.

This is a situation that should be left to us, the American citizens. We should demand a special election whereby casting our vote for or against is the final decision. This is an issue that we the people should be deciding and not some lazy turncoats that we stupidly elected. Then, when those turncoats come up for re-election, we kick them to the curb.

Diane Howard

Senate is appeasing big business

What is the Senate trying to ram down our throats? This is pure and simple amnesty. They say the illegals have to go to the end of the line and wait for citizenship. But, meanwhile, they are enjoying the benefits of our welfare, schools and our infrastructure. Most do not pay taxes. We should send the whole family back to their country and they can wait in line behind the people who are trying to come into our country legally. But make it easier to get into the U.S.

The Senate does not have to live with these people or lose their jobs to them because they work for lower wages. The Senate is trying to appease big business so they can make more money off the backs of the American people. These immigrants will destroy our American way of life and we will have a country of the rich and the poor just like Mexico.

Betty Huston

Open borders a precursor to NAU

The intentional flooding of our nation with a critical mass of tens of millions of illegal aliens from Mexico is a well-planned precursor to the North American Union, which is the joining of the U.S., Canada and, you guessed it, Mexico. This NAU will benefit a few at the expense of many.

Now you know why, post 9/11, that the Mexican border was not locked down and secured (insanity!) but, rather, made more porous. By facilitating the unchecked deluge of illegal alien criminals, terrorists and anarchists, (euphemistically called guest workers) President Bush and company have ripped the doors off the gates of hell and opened the floodgates to great chaos, anarchy and trouble.

This politically facilitated alien invasion, which is a socioeconomic/demographic disaster/nightmare of epic proportions, and its ensuing de facto amnesty, will go down as the single greatest act of political treachery in our nation's history. How could this happen? When a nation is as generally dumbed down, drugged up, apathetic, self-indulgent and splintered as is ours, why it's easy to understand.

The principle of divide and conquer has worked ingeniously well in this case. The radical altering of our nation's DNA and the widespread trauma this will spawn will be felt by many.

Gary Walker

IRS already has an amnesty plan

It doesn't take 350 pages and every bad lawyer/politician to figure out an amnesty plan. The IRS is the only federal agency that works. It has set in place a system where anyone can report income and pay tax regardless of status. They issue a taxpayer number and the tax system kicks in no matter what else is in play, even illegal profits.

If a person in this country can produce five years of paying tax using this number, and has no criminal record, then they should get legal status right away. They have not evaded their responsibility to this country. Can't show you have paid tax? Then you are not only illegal but a tax evader. You should be punished as such before you are deported. No proof of tax payments? Then all property can be taken by the IRS, regardless of status, because that is the cost of living under the jurisdiction of the United States.

That's all this country wants, anyway, regardless of race, creed, color, language, sex or any of the other side issues our politicians throw at us. Everyone talks about the future and the past, but only the IRS acts today. We may not be able to ask about anything else, but tax payments are always fair game. Legal status settled and tax evaders penalized. Culture, borders and language become side issues to money.

Peter Murnieks

Don't reward illegal behavior

Although I am a generally liberal voter, I cannot, and will not, support anyone pushing any reform that contains amnesty for the illegal lawbreakers already here in this country, any more than I would support a bill granting amnesty to those who have already committed any other crime. The number of people committing a crime has no bearing on whether or not they should face the punishment for that crime, any more than the number of thieves protesting their desire to steal would grant them amnesty for said crimes.

People claim that it is impossible to deport those illegals already here. This is irrelevant nonsense. These people ... would get out the same way they came in ññ on their own ññ once employers face stiff and sure penalties for hiring them and they themselves face penalties for remaining. There is no need to deport them, as they will deport themselves.

In reality, the illegals harm the very lowest rung of the economic ladder in this country by driving down wages for Americans trying to do these jobs. ... If you are a low-income American it is in your best interest to demand that the illegal competition for jobs be eliminated, and not by the sleight of hand of granting the illegals amnesty. ...

Michael Lodman
