Today Once Again I stood alone. I did not expect any help, it seems when I expect help it never comes. I had been sitting on the steps under the American Flag at City Hall when a rickety truck pulled up and a slim young lady climbed out. I had hoped it was a supporter, unfortunately it was not. It turns out it was a reporter on her way to cover a story. She saw my sign and came to take pictures.

I decided to stand, didn't want La Raza getting ahold of photos of a single anti-illegal immigration protestor sitting down. She stood in the barren street and took photos then left after asking me a few questions and getting my cell #. Lets hope that it prints in the Dallas Morning News.

A few minutes after she left I moved to the opposite corner of City Hall where there was more traffic (and a stop light). Right after she drove past me I began getting honks, thumbs up and waves. It is a shame she did not stay.

If I had ever doubted who was pro-illegal immigration and who was against immigration today solidified my beliefs that most of those in the pro camp are in it for their own interest the other small percentage are aging or wannabe hippies. For instance I had a man and lady in a 1940's (maybe 30's or 20's) model BMW pull up to the red light. In her snobbiest tone the lady said "I happen to disagree with you". I responded "of course you do mam, but then again slave masters disagreed with the Emancipation Proclamation." They drove off acting al smug and disgusted by me.

Confrontation #1:
Yesterday I survived with only middle fingers and racist remarks being made towards me by the mostly hispanic pro-immigration camp. Today this was not the case. My first confrontation came when a young hispanic male clad in a white tee and a gold chain exited the back seat of a SUV. His girlfriend was pumping him up telling him in english "get him baby, kick hs ass" He got in my face and asked if I wanted him to show me a criminal. I replied "sure, would you happen to be that criminal?" He looked away like he was gonna try to sneak punch me then his girlfriend freaked and told him to get in the SUV, apparently the light had turned green and that meant he had to go. She grabbed him and pushed him towards the SUV when I looked I noticed a baby in the back seat, most likely his, the thought of those two having a child disgusted me. She struggled to pick up something he dropped on the ground as the SUV pulled away. I told her to hurry up the border guards were coming. She finally got in the SUV and closed the door she then threw a can at me (what is it with hispanics throwing cans?) She missed of course. I pointed and yelled at the people behind them to call the police and report the SUV for littering and disrupting traffic. As the SUV went through the light she called me a "racist ass ******". The cars behind them had all seen what happened and were cheering and honking to me as they passed.

Confrontation #2:
This one is pretty quick. A car stopped a ways back at the red light saw my sign and rolled their window down. As the vehicle approached a young (prob no older than 16) female called me a redneck ass whitey and threw a pen at me and missed. Hispanics have really terrible aim by the way. I yelled and thanked her for her support.

Confrontation #3:
What is this? I thought as an older hispanic lady approached me. She asked me what my sign 'Illegals Are Criminals' meant. I gladly explianed as always then she began to argue with me and tell im the illegal etc... It was pretty much the "Mexica-Movement" speech I have heard a million times. When I corrected her and said that Texans fought the mexican government and won this land fair and square she scoughed at me. I started to annoy her by repeating "illegals are criminals" over and over. She called me "stupid" and "immature" she then lectured me on how she had a degree and was the 4th generation of a family who illegaly came here from the great nation of Mexico. I applauded her love for Mexico and asked her to go back. She stuttered and then started repeating "your illegal too" over and over and over. I then called her immature and said some other insult. She said she was leaving and I began saying "hasta la vista" and something else I can't spell in spanish. Basically "I'll see you later" and "I'll see you tomorrow". She just kept walking. A crowd of cars at the stoplight cheered and laughed and one man yelled "she's pissed because your right. Illegals Go Home!".

Mexican Flag Wavers:
Today I found 7 vehicles with a Mexican flag ready to wave. One even yelled "Mexico For Ever" and "Down with America". That accounts for a small portion of the hispanics who drove by and waved only their middle finger, but still is a disgrace to this nation that they so desperately want to be in.

Basic Argument For Illegal Immigration:
One passer by (rich white lady) said "Where is your greencard?" and another (again rich / well off white lady) said "you're here illegally too". It seems that the new argument being mounted by the wealthy elite is that because my ancestors came here hundreds of years ago and displaced and in some cases murdered American Indians (a subject I have a way different opinion on) That I am actually an Illegal Immigrant. So the arguement for a current issue is bringing up something that happened 400 years or longer ago. Hmmm so modern politics, socio-economic principles and worldviews have no place in this? Seems a bit weak to me. I explained to her that it was neither her fault or mine, however, we can choose to change this nations immigration policy and save her childrens future and mine. Or we can choose to ignore the massive population explosion and risk the major economic collapse and hostile takeover of American cities and states.

The hispanics basic arguement is very similar, just more tinged towards the whole this used to be Mexico therefore they can break any law they want.

Basic Profile Of Illegal Immigrant Supporters:
Hispanics or those of Hispanic Decent
Very Religious Peoples who claim it goes against God to deport people
Wealthy white people who get rich off the backs of illegal labor

Basic Profile Of Anti-Illegal Immigration Supporters:
Most United States Citizens
Citizens of other Countries who have legally immigrated here

Lesson Learned:
Today taught me a valuable lesson. That lesson is that people want to follow someone in this fight. If I could just find a way to organize them better Im sure I could get many more to join me in my stand.