Today I stood at the corner of North East Expressway and Park Ave in Dallas TX, a high traffic area where the ghetto and good neighborhood are seperated by HWY 75. I held up two signs one read "I'm Here Legally" and the other "Honk if your Legal!". I got a lot of supportive waves, thumbs up, and honks from many passers by. Some stopped to ask what I was doing. If there ever was a doubt in anyones mind where the black population stands on this issues I can assure you that today they stood firmly against illegal immigration, though they seemed uninformed for the most part.

Trouble: I was attacked three times today. The first guy stopped in the middle of the street calling me a mother****er and stupid american and threatning to kick my ass. I asked him if he was legal and he said "**** no, not in this stupid country". He then threw a pop can at me and drove off. He came back about 5 minutes later and threw a baby bottle full of beer at me. In his back seat he had his wife and two young (toddle age) children.

The third attack was perpetuated by four young hispanics, one wearing a 'Burger Street' uniform. They drove by and threw a drink at me but missed. They came back about 10 minutes later and held up trafic in the U turn lane when they jumped out and attacked me. One grabbed my first sign and tried to tear it while the other pushed me. I fought back and swung at the first one. Im a country boy and nobody picks a fight with me and gets away with it. His two buddies immediately got his back and started to attack me when I asked the cars behind them to call the police for help. They jumped in their car and fled. I picked up the sign they did not tear and wrote the same message that had been torn on the opposite side. I got both of their license plate numbers

Positive: I had a bunch of black drivers honk and wave. I even had a few ask me what the fuss was all about. It seems that most of them are unaware of bill HR 4437. I had a bunch of white supporters as well, but oddly enough there were many who seemed uncomfortable with me (interestingly enough all the ones who looked uncomfortable were driving brand new sports cars).

Brinks Security had security vehicles drive by and check on my safety. Stating they are against illegal immigration. Thanks guys.

Odd: I found it odd when a hispanic couple thanked me at the red light. I pointed out that I was against illegal immigration and they agreed. It seems that they had waited 6 years for legal status in the US and are unhappy that there are so many who just take what they fought hard for.

Unpositive: I had one illegal immigrant climb out of the passenger side of a truck and laugh at me. He said he made more than me (thinking I was a begger I bet) and said he was illegal. When I told him that HR 4437 would make being an undocumented worker a felony and that I was calling the police on him he climbed back in the truck, put on his seatbelt, and rolled up his window.

Uninformed Cop: Towards the end of my day a police officer drove up to me and said a passerby filed a complaint that I was "soliciting" drivers. He then saw my one sign and I pointed out the ripped up pieces of the other blowing around. He asked for my id and I acted like an illegal and baited him into saying it was illegal for me to refuse to give him my id. I then pointed out that law enforement currently can not ask for a workers legal status at will. I also told him about HR 4437 and he was surprised, after checking my ID he thanked me and said he was going home to write his congressman. He was a black individual. I liked him, except he seemed very disinterested about the two attacks on me and even warned me that more could come.

Informed Begger: The spot where I was standing is normally occupied by a begger. He was there when I arrived and moved to a different corner. I felt guilty about displacing him so while I was walking back to my car I stopped to apologize. He asked me what I was doing and when I told him he hugged me. It turns out he was a landscaper a few years ago and couldn't keep his business going. The hispanics he had hired quit and started their own company, they were all illegal too. They had his entire contact list and run him out of business in a few months. Desperate he turned to welfare and begging to make ends meet.

I told him about HR 4437 and he said he knew all about NAFTA and the current legislation. Seemed like a very smart guy.

Final Encounter: My final encounter was while I was on the sidewalk near the parking lot where my car was. A white car with tinted windows stopped and the passenger side window rolled down, I was slightly shaken since this was simlar to my last 'fight' with illegals. The cars occupants were a black man and woman (man and wife). The man thanked me for my sign and I told him to write his congressman. He was puzzled when I said what the legislation was.. he then stopped traffic to write it down.

Home: Now here I sit covered in beer and soda. My white t-shirt reaks of illegal immigrant violence and I see the need for secure borders now more than ever. I will return to that same spot this weekend and hopefully I can scare up some help.