Hi folks , I was interested in getting your thoughts about a boycott of Mexico over the illegal immigration debate ? Are you aware that the US is Mexico’s number one trading partner ? They send 85 % of their exports to our nation , furthermore ,70 % of illegal immigrants come from Mexico .

When I first had this thought I wasn’t eager to really talk about it because I know the people of Mexico are desperately poor , however ,the actions of their nation and society concerning our own internal affairs has really started to rub me the wrong way lately .

Our own government is ignoring us , it’s fine and dandy to send faxes and make phone calls , the republicans are starting to understand our position , but the democrats are ignoring the public will .. It’s like they want to play a game of chicken with us …

If 25 % of the us population started to completely boycott Mexico the economic fallout would be earth shattering .. The question I suppose is how would the rest of you feel about a boycott , and would you be willing to go the extra mile in order to not buy products made , assembled or grown in Mexico ?
