Today I went to a town hall sponsored by my congressman, Steve McMahon, which was held in a remote part of Bay Ridge at ten in the morning.

I underestimated my Dem. congressman-slightly. He did take live questions from the audience. However, it was stacked with members of CWA and some left wing Protestant church I'd never heard of, they made up the largest portion of the audience. Most of the people who came seemed to have been informed about the event via e-mails from

Here's a picture of my congressman, taken completley out of context it makes him look absurd, but I don't really care for him so I'm okay with that.

I was surrounded by CWA members:

Among others: ... eforum.jpg

Various hecklers, e.g. "END THE WAR," interrupted the event, but for the most part it was relatively civil.

I was able to give ask a question about the Grassley Amendment, which would have prohibited illegal aliens from accessing new health care benefits by requiring recipients to provide valid photo identification upon request, but which the Dem. members of the Sen. Finance Committee voted down 10-13. Of course, he brushed it aside with a dismissive sneer and the declaration that it was part of the opposition's "gotcha politics."

I had a more substantive conversation with someone from a community newspaper afterwards about the impact of illegal immigration on this country.