Living a Lie

by Steve Deace on September 12, 2013

On Tuesday night we may have witnessed a first in the history of the American presidency.

Sure, we’ve had presidents lie to us before. But I’m not sure we’ve ever had a president give a speech he knew up front was a scam, but that we also knew up front was a scam, and that he knew that we knew up front was a scam.

President Obama essentially argued for a military action in Syria he knows he’s not going to take, all in a uniquely post-modern effort to save face. He said nothing, and he meant every word of it.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Syria both Bashar Al-Assad, who coincidentally celebrated his birthday yesterday, and the Jihadists insurgents fighting him for the right to terrorize what’s left of the Syrian people are united in laughing at America’s lost prestige. As are the rest of our enemies. Our mangled Middle Eastern foreign policy since 9/11, and the loss of liberty here at home since then as well, has done more damage to our Constitutional Republic than the 9/11 hijackers could’ve accomplished in a hundred successful terrorist attacks.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Moscow the world’s new voice of sanity (and doesn’t that prove what kind of shape we’re in), vicious yet cunning dictator-for-life Vladimir Putin, is quoting George Peppard from the A-Team: “I love it when a plan comes together.”

Meanwhile, the American media who love to cover for Obama but can’t here are desperately seeking a distraction. Perhaps Miley Cyrus will start twerking again, or if they’re really lucky maybe another marginal pro athlete will come out of the closet. They need more empty calories to feed the idiocracy after all.

A week ago it looked like we were on the brink of World War Syria. But just like with Benghazi, the jobs that were never created, the economy that never improves, the IRS scandal, and the NSA spying scandal, this administration and its reality-challenged acolytes will simply wake up this morning and pretend as if all this never happened.

Meanwhile, the rest of us paying for the mistakes of the rank amateurs running this country into the ground will wake up this morning and wish that we could do the same.

Tell Congress: Stop Obama from funding the Syrian Rebels!

Sign the petition.

Tagged as: barack o'bumbler, foreign entanglements, foreign policy, obama's syria speech, steve deace, syria, war

About Steve Deace

Steve Deace is nationally distributed each weeknight from 9-Midnight EST by the Salem Radio Network. His radio program has been featured in major media such as Fox News, CBS News, CNN, among others. Follow Steve @SteveDeaceShow.

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