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    Hawaii governor can't find Obama birth certificate

  2. #2
    Senior Member southBronx's Avatar
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    Re: Hawaii governor can't find Obama birth certificate

    Quote Originally Posted by drooler

    Does this surprise anyone?
    the wh new this be for he became President & still let him in then how come they don't impeach him now if they new this? I Know I saw On Tv last month about one President . he was Not doing the job right .
    & they impeach Him.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member magyart's Avatar
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    Re: Hawaii governor can't find Obama birth certificate

    Quote Originally Posted by drooler

    Does this surprise anyone?

    Hawaii governor can't find Obama birth certificateSuggests controversy could hurt president's re-election chances

    Posted: January 18, 2011

    By Jerome R. Corsi
    © 2011 WorldNetDaily

    Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie suggested in an interview published today that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Barack Obama may not exist within the vital records maintained by the Hawaii Department of Health.

    Abercrombie told the Honolulu Star Advertiser he was searching within the Hawaii Department of Health to find definitive vital records that would prove Obama was born in Hawaii, because the continuing eligibility controversy could hurt the president's chances of re-election in 2012.

    Donalyn Dela Cruz, Abercrombie's spokeswoman in Honolulu, ignored again today another in a series of repeated requests made by WND for an interview with the governor.

    Toward the end of the interview, the newspaper asked Abercrombie: "You stirred up quite a controversy with your comments regarding birthers and your plan to release more information regarding President Barack Obama's birth certificate. How is that coming?"

    In his response, Abercrombie acknowledged the birth certificate issue will have "political implications" for the next presidential election "that we simply cannot have."

    Get the free, in-depth special report on eligibility that could bring an end to Obama's presidency

    Suggesting he was still intent on producing more birth records on Obama from the Hawaii Department of Health vital records vault, Abercrombie told the newspaper there was a recording of the Obama birth in the state archives that he wants to make public.

    Abercrombie did not report to the newspaper that he or the Hawaii Department of Health had found Obama's long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate. The governor only suggested his investigations to date had identified an unspecified listing or notation of Obama's birth that someone had made in the state archives.

    "It was actually written, I am told, this is what our investigation is showing, it actually exists in the archives, written down," Abercrombie said.

    For seemingly the first time, Abercrombie frankly acknowledged that presidential politics motivated his search for Obama birth records, implying that failure to resolve the questions that remain unanswered about the president's birth and early life may damage his chance for re-election.

    "If there is a political agenda (regarding Obama's birth certificate), then there is nothing I can do about that, nor can the president," he said.

    So far, the only birth document available on Obama is a Hawaii Certification of Live Birth that first appeared on the Internet during the 2008 presidential campaign. It was posted by two purportedly independent websites that have displayed a strong partisan bias for Obama – released the COLB in June 2008, and published photographs of the document in August 2008.

    WND previously reported the Hawaii Department of Health has refused to authenticate the COLB posted on the Internet by and

    WND has reported that in 1961, Obama's grandparents, Stanley and Madelyn Dunham, could have made an in-person report of a Hawaii birth even if the infant Barack Obama Jr. had been foreign-born.

    Similarly, the newspaper announcements of Obama's birth do not prove he was born in Hawaii, since they could have been triggered by the grandparents registering the birth as Hawaiian, even if the baby was born elsewhere.

    Moreover, WND has documented that the address reported in the newspaper birth announcements was the home of the grandparents.

    WND also has reported that Barack Obama Sr. maintained his own separate apartment in Honolulu, even after he was supposedly married to Ann Dunham, Barack Obama's mother, and that Dunham left Hawaii within three weeks of the baby's birth to attend the University of Washington in Seattle.

    Dunham did not return to Hawaii until after Barack Obama Sr. left Hawaii in June 1962 to attend graduate school at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass.

    Conceivably, the yet undisclosed birth record in the state archives that Abercrombie has discovered may have come from the grandparents registering Obama's birth, an event that would have triggered both the newspaper birth announcements and availability of a Certification of Live Birth, even if no long-form birth certificate existed.

    WND has also reported that Tim Adams, a former senior elections clerk for the city and county of Honolulu in 2008, has maintained that there is no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate on file with the Hawaii Department of Health and that neither Honolulu hospital – Queens Medical Center or Kapiolani Medical Center – has any record that Obama was born there.

    Read more: Hawaii governor can't find Obama birth certificate

    This is the first time I've read that a Hawaiian birth could be published by an in person report vs a hospital report. I can assure you birth certificates are NOT public records in Hawaii or PA. Neither the state or any hospital will release a copy of any birth certificate. Nor may a politician release any birth certificate.

  4. #4
    Senior Member alamb's Avatar
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    this is rather remarkable, no hospital record?

    Could this simply be because the hospitals didn't keep records, is that plausible?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I think I found the answer. I checked the cab records and they have a fare and record of a birth somewhere deep in the red light district. (just kidding)

  6. #6
    Senior Member southBronx's Avatar
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    Re: Hawaii governor can't find Obama birth certificate


    Does this surprise anyone

    you can not find somthing you don't Have ?
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  7. #7
    Senior Member magyart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alamb
    this is rather remarkable, no hospital record?

    Could this simply be because the hospitals didn't keep records, is that plausible?
    In 1961, the hospital or the health dept. typically reported the births to both local newspapers. President Obama's birth was documented in both local papers. I seriously doubt their is any record that documents this was a "in person report" vs a "hospital report".

    In this day and age, no hospital is going to release any records, for any patient. It's against the HIPPA (privacy) law for any hospital to release any birth records and it's against state law for the Hawaii health dept to release any birth records.

    This is just more SPIN.

  8. #8
    Senior Member ReformUSA2012's Avatar
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    Still theres a difference between releasing and finding it. The governor has the power to have it found but not released outside. The same issue for people who may have been adopted they can confirm the original birth certificate is available and there but cannot release it w/o the proper authority such as usually a judges order... even if you were the child on the birth certificate.

  9. #9
    Senior Member stevetheroofer's Avatar
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    somewhere near Mexico I reckon!
    "Keep looking!" "Where in the World could it be?"
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  10. #10
    Senior Member roundabout's Avatar
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    stevetheroofer wrote,
    "Keep looking!" "Where in the World could it be?"
    His foreigner Daddy probably knows!

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