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Thread: Media Members Who Claim There’s No Border Crisis Also Insisted There Was No Caravan

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    Senior Member Airbornesapper07's Avatar
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    Media Members Who Claim There’s No Border Crisis Also Insisted There Was No Caravan

    Media Members Who Claim There’s No Border Crisis Also Insisted There Was No Caravan Crisis

    Joe Scarborough, Jim Acosta and others mocked Trump for his warnings — then were proven spectacularly wrong

    By Kathryn Blackhurst | Tuesday, January 8, 2019

    President Donald Trump will discuss “the humanitarian and national security crisis on our southern border” during his first Oval Office address on Tuesday evening amid the partial government shutdown over border wall funding.
    But mainstream media members are already dismissing the border crisis, downplaying the threat illegal immigration poses to the nation and mocking Trump for championing American safety and sovereignty over open borders.
    Many of these same media critics also doubted that a Central American migrant caravan that traveled to the U.S. during the last few months of 2018 even existed.
    Thomas Homan, former U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) acting director, said Monday night on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle” that the “same people” who “claim there isn’t a crisis at the border” and scoff at the idea of a security wall are the same people who “claimed there wasn’t a caravan” barreling toward the U.S.
    “There was,” he added bluntly.
    Some media members claimed that the thousands of caravan migrants posed no threat whatsoever to U.S. citizens and did not deserve Trump’s wrath.
    CNN White House reporter Jim Acosta (pictured above center) entered into an infamous spat about the caravan with Trump during a briefing in November that resulted in the White House’s temporarily pulling his press credentials.
    Acosta said he wanted to “challenge” Trump about his caravan claims and use of the word “invasion.”
    “As you know, Mr. President, the caravan was not an invasion. It’s a group of migrants moving up from Central America towards the border with the U.S.,” Acosta insisted before asking Trump about a controversial anti-illegal immigration ad.
    “But your campaign had an ad showing migrants climbing over walls and so on … They’re not going to be doing that,” Acosta claimed. “They’re hundreds of miles of way though .. That’s not an invasion.”
    Trump pushed back hard — and some caravan migrants did, in fact, enter the U.S. illegally by climbing the border barrier.
    And during an appearance Monday night on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360,” Acosta suggested there was no border “crisis” at all.
    “Anderson, I think there’s a recognition inside the White House that they are losing this argument,” Acosta said. “I was in a briefing today. It was off camera, pen and pad briefing with Vice President Mike Pence and the Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, and the word they used time and again, Anderson, during this briefing is ‘crisis.'”
    “They’re going try to make the case to the American people tomorrow night with the president in the Oval Office with all the trappings of the presidency and so on all around him, that the country faces a crisis right now, and just begs the question if it’s such a big crisis, why are they Republican lawmakers right now saying they’re willing to open up the government without this wall funding?” Acosta added.
    “And if it is a crisis, how can they build a wall quickly enough to meet that crisis?” Acosta continued.
    MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-host Joe Scarborough (above left) said in October that Trump has told “one lie after another lie after another lie” about threats the caravan posed in his “stupid caravan conspiracy.”
    “But I had a relative yesterday talking about this invasion of migrants coming. And I had a college-educated friend email me yesterday asking how were we going to stop America’s borders from being invaded. ‘They’re coming, they’re coming.’ The lie is working,” Scarborough said.
    The caravan did, however, arrive — as most people know.
    In November, CNN “Newsroom” anchor Brooke Baldwin dismissed “the myth of the caravan invasion along the border.”
    And during Monday’s show, Baldwin urged fact-checkers to “eat your Wheaties today” ahead of Trump’s Oval Office address as she cast doubt on the border crisis.
    Related: ‘Same People Who Claim There Isn’t a Crisis’ at the Border Also ‘Claimed There Wasn’t a Caravan’

    “President Trump and his loose relationship with the truth are going prime-time, front-and-center [during] the now-18-day government shutdown, an issue the president has campaigned on, has rallied his base around, and is now trying to sell to you, the American people,” Baldwin said.
    “Clearly ‘crisis’ is this administration’s new favorite word to describe what’s happening at the border and why a wall, they say, is the best fix,” Baldwin continued.
    May other mainstream media members brazenly downplayed the caravan concerns.
    CNN political commentator Errol Louis (above right) claimed in October on “CNN Newsroom” that Trump’s and the GOP’s warning about the caravan was “ugly, it’s untrue” and “harmful to the public debate.”
    Louis also said Republicans were warning about an “imaginary caravan.”
    Fox News anchor Shepard Smith said in October, “The migrants, according to Fox News’ reporting, are more than two months away, if any of them actually come here … There is no invasion, no one’s coming to get you. There’s nothing at all to worry about.”
    CNN contributor Sally Kohn said in December on “CNN Newsroom” that “those migrants in the caravan coming to the United States, they’re not coming, quote, unquote, ‘illegally.’ These are not undocumented folks.”
    Although caravan migrants were not illegal immigrants during the journey itself, some did cross into the U.S. illegally after reaching the border.
    “These are folks who are following the rules — who are coming to the border presenting themselves at the border to claim asylum in keeping with our laws and rules … that Trump has tried to single-handedly change and then teargas people,” Kohn claimed.
    Check out more in the video below:

    Video at the page link
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Airbornesapper07's Avatar
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    If you're gonna fight, fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp to Noah's Ark... and brother its starting to rain. Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  3. #3
    Senior Member Airbornesapper07's Avatar
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    If you're gonna fight, fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp to Noah's Ark... and brother its starting to rain. Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  4. #4
    Senior Member Airbornesapper07's Avatar
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    NPR, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC are the PRAVDA of the West ... Deep State Approved Block Propaganda
    If you're gonna fight, fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp to Noah's Ark... and brother its starting to rain. Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  5. #5
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    Oh absolutely, Airbornesapper07. It's actually worse than Pravda because our CORRUPT MEDIA works on behalf of foreign interests, persons and businesses against the best interest of our own country and citizens. When Trump calls them "enemy of the people", he is spot on.
    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

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