...Ohio business executive David R. Smith, who is challenging U.S. Senator Mike DeWine in the upcoming GOP primary, accuses the two-[b]term incumbent of having failed to support the citizens of his state when it comes to the issue of illegal immigration.[/b] According to Smith, DeWine cast yet another vote against American citizens recently when he supported a Senate judiciary bill that would give amnesty to million of illegal aliens. Illegal immigrants must be recognized for what they are, Smith contends. "I hate to use the word infiltrating," he says, "but they are. They're coming across the entire country, and we have these ten to twelve million individuals who are sneaking in, who are breaking those kinds of laws." This, by definition, makes them law breakers, he insists, "and you have to call it what it is." The senatorial contender feels more must be done at the federal level to address the "jobs magnet" issue by holding U.S. employers accountable for hiring illegal aliens. "If they can't come here and easily get jobs, then they won't put up such a risk to infiltrate our borders and get here," Smith says. Right now illegal immigrants know that, "once they are here, it's smooth sailing," he asserts. "Since they can get whatever they need while they're here," Smith contends, the law "doesn't inhibit them." However, he notes, "If you added that factor to it as well, that they couldn't get jobs when they got here, not as many would come." Ohioans are tired, Smith says, and they want a Senate representative who will stand up for them and help strengthen the U.S. economy by working against illegal immigration. [Chad Groening]


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