Important election; don’t let Carr be defeated likeRoche.

Referring to (RINO) Renee Ellmer’s victory over her conservative challenger, Frank Roche, Laura Ingram scolded Tea Party groups and added, “…the Tea Party Patriots PAC gave Roche nada. Nothing. Zilch. Heck, they didn’t even return Roche’scalls…” Breitbart blog. 8 May 2014.

Frank Roche raised a tiny $50,000 in campaign contributions while Ellmers raised $950,000 and spend $650,000. Roche could not even afford to run any TV ads!

Inspite of all of this Roche got 41% of the votes to Ellmers 59%. Roche’s loosing is especially painful because Ellmers was a very weak candidate, apathy and indifference by patriots was the cause of her victory.

We must not this to be repeated in Tennessee!

Joe Carr (strong amnesty opponent) is challenging the RINO, pro-amnesty hack Lamar Alexander in the Tennessee US Senate Republican primary on August 7.
This is a very important race; according to The Tennessean news web page of 16 April 2014, pro amnesty hack Lamar Alexander’s total fund raising for his Senate race in Tennessee is a whopping $5.86 million, of which $1.8 million has come from special-interest political action committees.

His main opponent is the TeaParty backed candidate, state Rep. Joe Carr who reported raising only $257,130 bringing his cash on hand to $466,823. Only $14,025 is from PACs.

Few Tennessee voters know who Carr is and almost all have heard of Lamar (Boss Hack) Alexander. Naturally Alexander is lying by claiming to be a “conservative.”According to the Knoxville of 28 Jan. 2014, Sen. Lamar Alexander voted more than any other Southern Republican senator for legislation Obama wanted in 2012, voting pro Obama 62% of the time. He was a crucial vote that helped pass the infamous “Gang of Eight” amnesty for illegal aliens bill in June of last year. He was one of only 14 Republican Senators to vote for it, with 32 Republicans voting against it.

Of course, contributions to Carr’s campaign will improve as more voters learn about him. But will it enough soon enough? The Republican primary election is 7 August. Early voting by mail began 90 days before that, and usually one half of all votes are by early voting. Go to “” and make a contribution.

We must not allow Carr to be defeated by a lack of funds the way Roche was. This is an important race. A Carr victory would restore the Tea Party (and anti amnesty patriots) as a force to be respected. Start sending money now!