I apologize if this was posted before, but I didn't know about it. I usually post at change.org immigration threads, trying to combat in the front line resisting this debacle til I die fighting.

I found out that, Ugly Betty actress' father, is illegally in the country, facing deportation. I am not sure if he crossed illegally or if he overstayed his visa. Most probably the latter. Anyhow, he is illegally here, and they started a huge campaign in Spanish in Arizona, pushing for "justice" and stop the "hate" against "immigrants".

I believe, we must be on top of this case, as a way of using it as a symbol. If they win this small battle, it has a moral and emotional boost for the. We MUST prevent that. Battle by battle, we need to sacrifice and win each one of them. That way the enemy gets tired and demoralized. Is the only thing we can do, when the government does not allow us to enforce the laws ourselves.

