Alum Emanuel - extremely dangerous security threat.
Obama bin Laden's new CoS.

Keywords: Communist, terrorist, ultra-left, espionage, subversive, overthrow, stalinist, sociopath, treason, bin Laden, hamas

Extract of Gizmohd's message
Quote Originally Posted by gizmohd
Gone will be the days where hard work actually means something in order to prosper in the world. Gone are the days where family matters. Welcome to the economic enslavement of the entire nation. ...Under his plan if I succeed and become successful I will be punished by higher tax rates.

... Where is the point where Obama comes out and says that they will take 100% of my salary and provide me with what "I need" to survive? Myself, my father/grandfather/greatgrandfather etc all served in the military with pride to protect my and your freedoms from socialsm and now I get to explain to my children just why is it that we allowed socialism/communism to win. ANd the sad thing about it all is that they were right.. Because America allowed itself to be bribed with our own money, money that the government shouldnt have in the first place, we vote our freedoms away just for a damn handout..

So, as the title suggests... Welcome to the United Socialist States of America. God help me, I pray that I am wrong and things will not get as bad as I forsee.. But when everything I was taught about freedom and what this Republic stands for is going to be flushed down the toilet, it makes me mad. But most of all, it makes me extremely sad.. Just how is it that I am going to explain it to my children how we allowed this wonderful country to slip away from us.

Gizmohd's entire message