This has been a nightmare to me the way this Election is headed just when I thought Mcamnesty was out of the picture all of a sudden he is the front runner ? What did I miss ? Did the American people forget that he was one of the leaders of the amnesty bills that we were so outraged about only 7 or 8 months ago? How fast we forget or could it be that our fellow Americans do not care.

The way I see it we all must unite behind a single candidate and I would love nothing more to say that man would be a Tom Tencredo,Duncan Hunter even Ron Paul but lets face it if we wait for any of the first choices we wont have a chance.And that leaves only one choice in my opinion Mitt Romney.

This is my first post here although I have followed these forums to get most of my information for allmost a year now.I figured it was time to chime in thanks for having this site it has been most usefull for guildance in making calls etc...this past year