I am married to an Englishman who has been stuck in England for over 6 months not allowed to come home because our X-Lawyer did not file the I-131 form.
We have had to start our paper work all over again because everything was considered abandoned when my husband when home for a few week.
We are older and have depleted our savings paid and still pay not only in money but in precious time.

I get very upset because we are being treated worse then if we were illegal. We followed the rules paid and paid and still paying. Give the Illegal’s Amnesty and make me, born and raised in the USA fight in my later years to grow old with my husband who just so happens to be British.

Please do not forget the other Immigration issues being caused because of the illegals and the terrorist that have invaded our land.

How can we as a country take care of others when we cannot take care of ourselves? I have no health insurance and stand in a clinic line for hours from 5:30 am to 8:00 am just to get my name on the list before others. Out of the 40-60 that show up 15 or more are Latino with no social security number... I have worked over 40 years in this country paying my taxes as my mother and father before me.

Our children’s education being bombarded by non speaking children taking up the time from our children because they do not speak English, grade score down, funding goes down!

Pray for me because I have an unsympathetic heart right now.
I feel betrayed by my own country.

Rosary Smith