William phoned earlier to issue an update from Arizona.

700 people attended the event!!!!!!

Preliminary calculations are that they raised 30 Thousand Dollars for the Ramos Family.

After taking in the picturesque view of the Arizona Desert at night, some of the event attendees set out to bring down the house, at a local watering hole.

Tonight, W. is running with "Cowboys, Hippies, Rebels and Yanks".
That's right, Bikers and Lawmen are celebrating this great event together.

Special Shout Out to Alipacer Jinky!

He's in Arizona tonight hanging with W. and about 15 Save our State members. They are listening to a local the band, which sounds pretty good by the way.

They will be playing Alipac’s official troll song, "Keep them Separate", by Offspring, in Dedication to the Alipac Mods.

Party goers are dancing with signs and fliers that say "Fire Johnny Sutton".

And as a final note, it is rumored that Ted Hayes was scooting around AZ, while ridding in a sidecar operated by one of the Freedom Riders .
