The libidiot left wing Charlotte Observer fish wrap (owned by the left winger McClatchy Co. out of Sacremento, CA) is up to their usual propaganda in promoting benefits to the invaders:

A DREAM deferred
Shame on Senate for tossing aside promising youngsters

Shame on members of the U.S. Senate who blocked a vote on sensible legislation that would have let young people brought to this country illegally through no fault of their own earn legal resident status if they meet specific conditions.

That's a shortsighted act that tosses aside thousands and thousands of promising young lives like so much debris. Among the myopic are the members of North and South Carolina's Senate delegation: Sen. Elizabeth Dole and Sen. Richard Burr, both R-N.C., and Sen. Lindsey Graham and Sen. Jim DeMint, both R-S.C. All were among those who refused last week to let the so-called DREAM Act stand for a vote.

The bill would have granted safe harbor to young people brought to the United States illegally by their parents before age 16 who have lived here at least five years if they did the following things: graduate from high school, have good moral character and either attend two years of college or enlist in the military.

Those are characteristics and accomplishments the nation's policies should support. These young people are innocent bystanders to an emotional immigration war. They are not responsible for their parents' mistakes. Yet they are being punished for them. That makes no sense.

The National Immigration Law Center estimates 65,000 students reared in the U.S. who qualify for the DREAM Act graduate from high school each year. They are honor roll students, athletes, artists and aspiring teachers. The majority have lived in the United States most of their lives. Yet without legal status, their promise -- and the promise they offer to the communities and states where they live -- is limited.

That's what senators should be concerned about. This is a humane, narrowly-drawn measure that addresses a predicament not of these kids' making.

Yet lawmakers such as South Carolina's Sen. DeMint painted it with a scarlet "A" for amnesty.

"America has clearly rejected amnesty but Democrats have obviously refused to listen" he said. "This bill doesn't provide a single provision to improve border security."

"I do not believe it is right to reward those who have broken our laws, particularly at the expense of those who have followed the rules," said North Carolina's Sen. Burr. "I do not support the DREAM Act that would provide financial rewards, like cheaper tuition, to those who come here illegally."

Nonsense. This calls for leadership, not rhetoric.

North and South Carolina are centers for immigration. There are jobs here. With an estimated 350,000 illegal immigrants in the two states, the Carolinas have a significant number of upstanding young people who are in legal limbo.

These kids can't wait until Congress fixes all the problems of our broken immigration system. Whether we agree with what their parents did or not, these young people belong here. If they lose a shot at a successful, productive life, we all lose.

NOTE: Comments can be left on this drivel and IA hugger love at the above link