Hey guys, on my way home, was listening to CNN (Lou Dobbs) and they made mention that VA was pushing to enact some new laws that would make it a unwelcome state for illegals.. But one issue I see with the states taking the horns and doing it themselves without Federal help, is that you'll have the "refugee" effect. Meaning, if you push out people from a region, they will move to another.

If our Federal gov't would enforce immigration laws and go after illegals, states would not have to worry bout the "refugee effect", the problem(s) would be sent back to where they came from.

And I can tell you that within the last year or so, the whole immigration thing is more in the spot light then it's ever been... partly b/c of the illegals doing those marches and making radical statements.

And recently, Laraza has called for the US to STOP deporting and detaining illegals.. And while the US has yet to respond to them and other groups, this kind of attention can only help our cause b/c it brings the issues into focus again.

I just hope that someday, we can live in a society with less than a million illegals at most vs today's 11+ million we have today.