As you can tell by the time of this posting, I've been up and am up late.

I am not one to discount my gut instincts when there are far too many coincedences when I am looking at a situation. Tonight, I am finding to many of those strange connections to ignore, so I post them here.

Lionel Sosa...basically a second generation Mexican who has made a lot of money whom I had never heard of before until someone on this site made a post about MATT. org

I went to the site, and saw somethings that were ODD, not quite right. For instance, how did a site launch with so much public fanfare...spots on most major TV networks, advertising on the Lou Dobbs show, billboards, buses, print media and radio...we are talking MILLIONS of dollars in costs.
When I searched, the only thing available on the money trail was that MATT was being funded by a small group of private businessmen who at this time wished to be SECRET.

In doing research, something rang ODD when I learned that Lionel Sosa was intimately involved with the Bush family, and worked on both Bush Jr and Sr campaigns for president, and in fact was/is credited with delivering the Hispanic vote for George Bush in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections...yet, when question on a FOX affliate in San Francisco about the launch of MATT, he insists said organization has no political agenda, thougn he admits said organization was planning on using the site to create policy papers to put into the hands of government employees both here in America, and in Mexico in the hopes of SHAPING policy.

As I searched, the name L. Brent Gilmore came up, and that lead me to discover a work shop conference held jointly by MATT and the Free Trade Alliance...again political agenda, new organization, and yet already CO-HOSTING a very PRICY event with a who's who of important people in and out of government as presentors! Also, just who was/is this Free Trade Alliance.

The Free Trade Alliance turns out to the Free Trade Alliance San Antonio Texas. Now, I could spend HOURS filling you in on what I found on this organization, but one thing instantly set every alarm bell in my old bones to ringing! Imagine MY SURPRISE when through the Free Trade Alliance Site I am led to ... drum roll please...NAIPN, or North American Inland Ports know, the one that is planning on openning up a SUPER HIGHWAY from Mexico to Canada. NAIPN and FTA (Free Trade Alliance) are very intimately interdependent, both sites cross linking to one another, members of one being members of the other.

Mere chance that MATT, a non-profit group whose sole purpose seems to be cross border cooperation between Mexico and America, and organization that WANTS TO BREAK DOWN BARRIERS just happens to lead me right to NAIPN! I don't think it is chance, and I would venture to say tracking down the funding of MATT would raise some SERIOUS EYEBROWS in the National Press. I want to explore and investigate this further, and if anyone here is up to a treasure hunt, private message me and lets start SEARCHING and see what we can find.