As I'm sure everyone knows, this Countrys Congress has just voted to give our Troops in Iraq a "Timeline" for withdrawl. Basically a SURRENDER!!! They have voted to stop funding our troops, so they cannot get the equipment they need to FIGHT FOR THIS COUNTRY!
This is my question to EVERYONE...
What if those Brave Men & Women that fight for this Country decide that the people in Washington DC are just NOT WORTH defending anymore? I mean look at what they did in Vietnam? And NOW AGAIN...In Iraq.
Think of the kids thinking about joining the Military...They see what is happening to our DEFENDERS, and I do NOT THINK they want to go to war knowing they will be left out there with NO SUPPLIES!!!
I know I wouldnt fight for a SUIT in DC under those circumstances...HELL NO!
This is a VERY SERIOUS SITUATION. When they start comming over the Southern Border in such numbers that our Military IS NEEDED...And they wont be there. Because some Suit in DC wanted to get re-elected one more time.