John W. Lillpop

Mexican President Vicente Fox was apparently none too happy that
his pal, U.S. President George W. Bush, acted in the best
interests of the American people(for a change!) by signing the Secure Fence Act on Thursday.

Fox reacted to President Bush’s approval by stating
"It is an embarrassment for the United States." One assumes
that the delusional Mexican was referring to the fence, and not
W, in his crazed rant to the Associated Press.

SF Gate: ... /FENCE.TMP

Nonetheless, the United States does have much to be embarrassed
about when it comes to illegal immigration.

Specifically, the U.S. government should be ashamed for:

• Refusing to use military force to secure our borders to prevent illegal aliens from crossing into the U.S.

• Enacting the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA)which granted amnesty to three or four million illegal aliens, and encouraged another 20 million to invade in the
intervening 20 years.

• Refusing to enforce the terms of IRCA which mandates severe punishment for U.S. employers who hire illegal aliens.

• Refusing to roundup and deport illegal aliens.

• Allowing illegal aliens to steal education, health care and other public services to which they are not entitled at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars to U.S. taxpayer each year.

• Passing a bill in the U.S. Senate that would grant amnesty to those here illegally and encourage another 20 million to invade America.

Of course, Fox and his colleagues should be ashamed of the fact
that Mexico is a 3rd-world nation which is unable to educate, feed,house, and provide minimal health care to its citizens, in spite of bountiful natural resources, including oil.

So while America’s embarrassment is primarily due to indifference, Mexico’s shame is the result of graft, corruption, greed, immorality, and an unwillingness to care for its own people.

Fox and the other outlaws running the Mexican government,
including President-elect Felipe Calderon, would be well-advised
to channel their intellects and energies to solving Mexico’s
huge internal problems.

Got that Vicente? Deal with that 3rd-world cesspool you call Mexico and keep your nose out of American affairs--like a fence that will be built on American soil with American resources--that are none of your damn business!