Williams: Carjacking Victim Called Bombing Suspects ‘Cautious But Brutal’

Victim says he escaped Tsarnaev brothers at gas station, lived because he's not American

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff

April 22, 2013 11:32 am

NBC’s Justice Correspondent Pete Williams said the carjacking victim of the the Boston bombing suspects told him he escaped them at a gas station and described the Tsarnaev brothers as “cautious but brutal.”

Williams also reported the man was told by the brothers they would not kill him because he was not American:

THOMAS ROBERTS: Pete, In your reporting, you also had the opportunity to e-mail with the man that police say was carjacked by the brothers. What is this person saying and did the conversation reveal any new light about the suspect’s state of mind just hours before this manhunt came to an end?

WILLIAMS: Well, I asked him several questions and he chose to answer only one, which was to sort out these conflicting details about whether they let him go or whether he escaped. He says unequivocally, ‘I escaped.’ He said I had the chance when they pulled into a gas station and I took it. He described them as cautious but brutal. Separately in a police investigation, he’s the one who called 911 as soon as they let him out, he goes across the street to another gas station and calls 911. He says that in the interview with the police that they told him that they were the Marathon bombers and that they were not going to kill him, because he was not an American.
