As you know Governor Arnold vetoed the bill to give illegals drivers licenses but little had been heard on AB 2076. That bill would have PROHIBITED CA cities, counties, and the state agencies from using E-verify. This was a very dangerous bill. It would have put all of our infrastructure at risk.

I just got this email from the Governor's office:

Thank you for your correspondence regarding AB 2076. I appreciate you voicing your opinions on proposed legislation affecting our state.

AB 2076 was not approved by the Legislature, and therefore never reached my desk. For more information on how this bill came to fail, please refer to the Official California Legislative Website:

Again, I appreciate your interest in California's future. An informed and engaged citizenry is important to effective government in our Golden State.


Arnold Schwarzenegger

I think our calls made a difference. I think people who spread the word, worked or knew someone who worked in our state's infrastructure, airports, ports, waterways, etc., called I think it stopped it.