Laws on the books are good enough, Arizona law is better!

When there is a will there is a way!

I feel that not a single person in a position that can deport people will!

ICE won't deport illegals, Obama wont deport illegals, DHS won't deport illegals.

We have truth, solid majority and law on our side, they have nothing but still they walk all over us!!

It seems that they are giving us 2 choices fight them and secure the border then amnesty, or fight the laws that they think are racist and unjust, repel them then amnesty.

Not a single person in the news call for mass deportations.

Not a single person in the government call for mass deportations.

I have a feeling that no matter what we do if the 40+ million or so illegals here are here to stay and are not leaving unless they choose. Because I see no push anywhere to get them the hell out!!

It is the most frustrating thing about this issue, they never leave they just multiply and take over more and more with no foreseen consequence in sight.